Knowledge is neutral; it is what it is. If knowledge is not true, it is not knowledge, it is pseudo-knowledge. It may be called knowledge but that does no more than calling a cow a horse. Naming a thing does not make it become what it is named. I saw an old shack with a leaning cross on the top, and a sign in front, "God's House Of Faith Church". It stood there empty and rotting down, in south Georgia, for the 30 years I lived in North Florida and may be there still. People were not there, God didn't appear to be and Faith surely was not. Neither was it a church (ekklesia) which means, "assembly". It was an abandoned old house which did not live up to its name.
God told Daniel that in the last days, "Knowledge shall be increased" and many people would be "running to and fro." We are living in a time when millions and millions of people are "running to and fro" from jogging tracts, streets, sidewalks, bikes, cars, buses, ships and airplanes... all around the world. An average airliner will fly nearly two million miles a year and carry an average of nearly 250,000 passengers. Multiply that by the number of airliners, which must be in the tens of thousands, and you have hundreds of millions of people "running to and fro in the earth" ... with Satan right on their heels. When God asked Satan where he had just come from, Satan answered, "From going to and fro in the earth..." Job 1:7.
It is also obvious without question that, in all of history, there has never been a time when more knowledge was contained in people's brains, a hundred thousand libraries, and stored in millions of computers and high tech storage units. And it is doubling every few months and speeding up every day. The whole world is shrouded in a cloud of every kind of knowledge but so very little of the knowledge of our Creator and the Creator of all true knowledge. God commends knowledge many times in His Word, but primarily the knowledge of Him, for therein is salvation, peace, faith, love, heaven and therein is warning of judgement and hell.
Since the beginning of Creation, Lucifer, alias Satan, Devil, Serpent and Dragon, has been peddeling and pushing knowledge for evil uses. On his first encounter with Adam and Eve, he was lying about God and tempting them to disobey God and eat of the "Tree Of Knowledge". He told Eve that God didn't want them to be as intelligent as He was. Why, he said, God knows that if you eat of the Tree of Knowledge, "you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Gen.3:5.
It reminds me of the people who built the Tower of Babel. They had a one world language and wanted a one world city, a one world government, and a one world name, "lest we be scattered abroad ... Gen.11:4. So they pooled their knowledge of making brick, mixing morter, building architecture and community organizing, and built "a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven." Yes, up there through the clouds ... all the way to heaven ... by their unity, knowledge and intellect.
The Cloud That Rains Money
From The Dai ly Reckoning by Ray Blanco
The answers to the questions we ask — whether verbally or through text input — usually do not reside in the bits and bytes contained in our smartphones, tablets or PCs. They sit somewhere out on the other end of a network connection, in “the cloud” —
(A major new Apple initiative is iCloud, where users can store everything...)
However, whether residing in publicly available data sources or behind private firewalls, the total amount of data accumulation taking place is staggering. Truly, we are living in the “information age.”
According to technology market research firm IDC, more than 1.2 sextillion bytes of digital data were created and stored between the beginning of the “information age” and the end of 2010 — a number so large that it is as incomprehensible as the US debt. The amount of data has grown ninefold over the past five years alone. (900%?)
However, like the national debt, the numbers show no signs of slowing down. IDC forecasts another 650% growth in total data by 2015. I’ll try to put the 2015 data into a little imaginary perspective. By my reckoning, if we stored it all as CD-ROM disks,
we could build more than 33 stacks extending all the way out to the moon.
Pass it on. RB