Aug 27, 2021

Biden Does Not Serve U.S. But Satanic Global Deep State

All his actions prove it. No other explanation.

Biden Embraces Defeat  
, president of the American 
Strategy Group; he is a Senior Fellow, board 
member, and former president of the Claremont 
Institute. (First published in The American Mind)

Administration leaves Afghanistan 
and  abandons America.

It would be easy to attribute the disaster of leaving Afghanistan, both human and strategic, to the incompetence of President Biden and his administration. After all, human incompetence normally explains a lot. But the affairs of a great nation like ours and its military are not the work of one man. There are generals, well-credentialed foreign policy experts, and senior intelligence officials who have devised how best to leave Afghanistan in order to achieve certain strategic and political objectives. The notion that there was a single incompetent decision made to abandon Afghanistan defies both logic and common sense. It was a matter of high government policy that the United States depart Afghanistan, abandon military equipment, and leave both Americans and our allies to the tender mercies of the radical Islamic Taliban.

The exit from Afghanistan, then, appears designed to accomplish two things: first, to demoralize the American military and the American people. Over 22,000 American service personnel have been killed or injured in Afghanistan. Every American knows someone who served there. Knowing full well that the Afghan military would not defend the country, there could be little doubt that the United States was turning the country over to the Taliban. Moreover, the US did so with the appearance of being run out of the country in shame and defeat. One can only assume this was meant to demonstrate to American servicemen that their sacrifice had been in vain, and to the American people that our cause of defending America from the scourge of radical Islam was not just.

How else are sensible people to view the footage of killings, chaos, desperation, harassment, and contempt for the US and our citizens in Kabul? Taken together these images are far more effective tools of propaganda than nearly anything Al-Qaeda and ISIS has employed over the past two decades. Their message is clear: America is weak and resistance to Islam is futile. That is the lesson the Biden Administration has made possible. It is one for which radicals such as Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar have signaled their approval throughout their tenure in Congress.

The second purpose of the Afghan debacle was to signal to the world that the United States has no interest in defending a liberal world order and that from here on out we will not defend either human freedom or our own self-interest, however bizarre that may sound. Even the most serious isolationist would not have left Afghanistan the way we have. A minimum requirement would be to preserve the prestige and credibility of the United States with our allies and to ensure that our enemies would not be emboldened by our fecklessness.

What must Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea think of the United States and our commitments to defend them against the Communist Chinese and their predations in the region? To be sure, Afghanistan does not play a similar role to that of these other nations, whose economies are closely tied to the prosperity and the security of the United States. But for the US to withdraw in this dramatic fashion is to send a signal that we are no longer concerned whether our enemies fear us. They do not, apparently, and that is just fine.

There is a new world order and America has chosen a new place in it. Whereas we were comfortable “leading from behind” during the Obama administration, today the United States is merely one of many other nations doing our best to cooperate in what some have termed a Great Reset. Defending human freedom may have been fine for earlier generations, but what matters today is understanding the grievances and ambitions of other peoples, be it the Islamic world and their deeply held religious convictions or the Communist Chinese and their struggles to find their place atop the world order.


Political leanings aside, what of self-interest? There is no clearer evidence of this rejection than the abandonment of Bagram Air Base. Right now, if it were adequately fortified, the United States could have an expeditionary force poised to strike at anyone in the region who meant the US harm. Claremont Institute scholars Mark Helprin and Angelo Codevilla argued for something like this nearly two decades ago, as opposed to the nation-building efforts that proved so painfully misguided. Such a base of operations would not be part of some “forever war,” but rather a forward outpost of US military power capable of defending the American homeland. No nation building, no lectures on LGBTQ rights, just straight national defense.

Leaving Bagram Air Base, and the billions in advanced equipment that was there, with the Afghan military will be seen rightly as an act of submission by the Biden Administration to a global order headed by Communist China. Certainly China, and apparently also Biden, would prefer an America in retreat and withdrawal from the world stage. What better way to demonstrate America’s intentions to the PRC than withdrawing from the region and allowing our most advanced armaments to be taken by America’s enemies?

 An added bonus for the Left is having tens of thousands of Afghan refugees imported to the United States. Whether they were allies of the United States or not is quite beside the point. Many of them will bring with them an Islamic ideology that is incompatible with the Judeo-Christian West. Since the Left no longer believes in the West, they do not care about the threat posed to it by spreading Islamist imports throughout the country.

This stands in stark contrast to President Trump’s America First foreign policy and the simple proposition that if we were going to put America’s soldiers in harm’s way, it had to be for the good of the lives of the American people and the defense of the American way of life. President Trump was guided by prudence and an appreciation of how other nations viewed the United States. This was among the many reasons he was elected in the first place.

After all, Americans were never opposed to staying in Afghanistan so long as our purpose was the single-minded defense of the United States. But once the mission in Afghanistan became first nation building and then imposing America’s left-wing social agendas on the Afghan people, Americans saw precious little that was good for them in the transaction. Losing the sons and daughters of the United States was one thing when we were defending the American people against terrorist attacks. It is quite another when their lives are lost to try and establish democratic institutions in a nation with no experience in civil society, or in pursuit of gender equality for Afghan women in a deeply dysfunctional society that, among other things, sanctions the sexual abuse of children. However desirable certain things may be, it doesn’t mean they are possible or that they are the job of the US military.

What Now?

Finally, it bears stating that those American soldiers who fought in Afghanistan did not die in vain despite the current machinations of the Biden Administration. Those soldiers held the line as their brothers had on distant battlefields before them. They fought the war over there in Afghanistan rather than here on the streets of America. They knew full well they were never going to turn the Afghans into civilized men of the West. However mistaken the policy of our generals and our ruling class to impose woke nonsense on the people of Afghanistan, the men and women of our armed forces were fighting for the people of the United States to live free of the miserable despotism that is Islamic rule. For that they are owed our undying respect and admiration.

The US is not leaving Afghanistan because of some failure on the battlefield. The Greek forces under Alexander the Great were believed to have won every battle they engaged in with the Afghans. Indeed, the superiority of the Greek forces, like the American forces now, were so much greater that there was little honor in the exchange. That we could have killed every last Afghan man, woman and child is quite obvious. That we would have been justified in doing so, given that they harbored Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda, seems less well appreciated.

If it is any consolation, America’s enemies may not have thought us serious to begin with. The world has watched as an American presidential election was conducted in a manner befitting a banana republic; we have failed to build a national missile defense for ourselves or our allies including Taiwan, South Korea and Japan; and, 20 years after September 11th, have yet to hold to account Saudi Arabia who helped perpetrate the attack and Iran who provided intelligence for the execution. That America survives despite all this is nothing short of a strategic miracle.

We are at a moment now like none other in our history. The American political order has been made a mockery of since November 3rd, 2020. Much will be necessary to sort that out. But our credibility on the global stage has now been eradicated and Americans will reasonably wonder whether our union can endure. Now is the time for men of good will to rise to the defense of the American experiment in free government. We should pray it is not too late.

Aug 24, 2021

When In Desperate Flight Through A World Of Turmoil ...

Listen & hear God's guiding voice ...

"Hearken now unto my voice, I will give thee counsel, and God shall be with thee .... " Exodus 18:19.    

Every pilot has been taught, when in a storm or cloud cover, to always trust your airplane's instruments and the control tower voice, not your feelings or instincts.  Your feelings and instincts may save your life on the ground, in their natural element, but they may kill you in an airplane when you can't even see the the ground. And so it is when we are flying through the storms of life listening to our favorite music station, political commentator or fake news network, while trying to find peace or a safe place to land ... and survive.  But  we keep trying to fly by our feelings instead of the all knowing voice in the Control Tower .... And we ignore the plane's instruments created for the purpose of guiding our lives safely through storm, darkmess of night, and distant flight.  Before control towers and modern instruments, they called it "Flying by the seat of your pants".  Some 
survived flights dangers, in broad daylight and fair weather, but many did not.  It was those early pilots who inspired the old adage, "There are old pilots and bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots."  Many eternal souls are still flying by the seat of their pants who are destined to eventual destruction. Listen to God's Control Tower voice and his divinely ordained, guiding instrument of truth, His Word.

Here is a voice inspired by God with a message you must not miss.

Aug 21, 2021

Living In The Secret Place Of The Most High

Constantly in the presence of God

Since 1969, CLA has been providing free legal assistance to Bible-believing churches and Christians who are experiencing difficulty in practicing their religious faith because of governmental regulation, intrusion, or prohibition in one form or another.   

CLA receives in excess of 100,000 phone calls annually, not counting the thousands of pieces of correspondence from those who are in some way facing legal difficulties for doing what the Bible commands. These cases involve Christians arrested for witnessing to others in public, public school students being told they do not have the right to read their Bibles at school, churches being excluded from communities, Christians being fired for sharing their faith at work, and thousands of other shocking assaults on our precious religious freedoms. CLA provides free legal services based in part on the generosity of God’s people.

The Christian Law Association exists to preserve Christian liberty for your children and grandchildren.

Do yourself a favor; listen to this sermon. RB 

Aug 19, 2021

One Has To Wonder If This Is The Last Generation

Or just a hellish detour through the swamp.

When you thought the storm of bad news couldn't possibly get any worse, in America, two more "Thunderclaps" blew out our national windows and weakened our walls.  Biden's Afghanistan policy turned a successful holding action, by our military, into a Cowardly, "Commander In Chief" defeat retreat, leaving 10,000 American civilians stranded behind and betraying  a million friendly Afghans to unimaginable horrors for working with the U.S.  Now, every soldier killed there and every one left damaged for life, paid that price .... for nothing.  And surviving solders are left resentful at the betrayal and less willing to expose themselves to the dangers of war. That most recent, of a long list, of debacles you already knew about, but here is one you didn't know about.  One which will, without doubt, bring more plagues of God upon a nation which permits, and finances such horrors, to get it done:

To suggest that I should cease to sound the warning against such diabolical evil, "because it is politics", is to say that the Titanic Chaplin should have, while the ship was sinking, been praying in the flooded chapel, instead of helping the women and children get into the life-boats.
There is often a very thin line between Politics and Holy Causes. So the Afghan betrayal may just be corrupt politics, but corruption is a spiritual issue and violates God's truth, honesty and justice.  Cutting away aborted, baby, body parts is a blatant outrage against God and innocent little babies.  It is, possibly, even worse than abortion... ghoulishness ... in a Fouche "science" mask.
Our nation can't take much more such "politics", desecration of holy things and provocation of Almighty God.  RB  

Third thunderclap today

Aug 17, 2021

If Biden Were Playing Chess, China, Taliban & Iran Would Say "Checkmate"

Game Over ...

World leaders and U.S. strategists are asking the questions ... 

Why is China supporting the Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan and our other enemy, Iran? Why would Biden pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan and clear the way for China's plan to lay a much needed oil pipeline across that country to Iran who has oil we don't let them sell?

Aug 14, 2021

Mystery Of Iniquity: Driving Nations Into Optimum Perversion Of Truth

And Incomprehensible Lawlessness

"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work...." 2 Thess.2:7
The Hebrew word translated "Mystery" here means  incomprehensible. The word translated "iniquity" here means "lawlessness". Thus, Incomprehensible Lawlessness.  We have seen it in recent months in several northern states. Riots, arson, plundering, attacking the police and the irrational demand to defund the police.  

Yes, there is a demonic, world power that is so far beyond reason, so contrary to logic and truth, so evil that it literally causes devils, who have seen God's judgement against such "incomprehensible  lawlessness", to tremble.        "... The devils also believe and tremble." James 2:19.       

The "mystery of iniquity" is what motivated God to drown the world in a flood....       "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.." Gen.6:5.             Incomprehensible lawlessness.

Nationwide rebellion of evil also brought God's judgement upon His chosen people....  Even previously God fearing people can be sucked in by this mysterious iniquity and drift away from  God, backward.      " Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the  Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward". Isa.1:4

America  is fast approaching Optimum Perversion Of Truth in an atmosphere of Organized, Unrighteous, Lawlessness. Some call it the "Deep State" because it's existence  has been hidden from the public and shielded by the News Media.  While hidden, we see what it does, in the "free news", every day ... while the Major News Media is participant, covering up the source of its actions and the  corruption it causes. Examples of the Mystery of Iniquity: They glorify New York's Gov. Cuomo for his horrible handling of Covid which caused thousands of deaths in Nursing Homes .... but they  chastise Florida's Gov. DeSantis for his wiser handling of Covid. Florida covid deaths per million is lower than the national average despite having a higher risk population (old people). Yet this governor and state get bashed by the deep state media through the whole COVID ordeal by Godless news reporting and globalist, Democrat. political power. Incomprehensible lawlessness.

Chicago, with the strongest anti-gun laws in the nation, has the highest rate of crime and murder in the nation ... run by the same Godless globalist Democrats  who march in locked step with the world's rebellion against law and order. Incomprehensible  lawlessness.

San Francisco, long known as the most romantic and beautiful city in America has been turned into a ghetto of homosexuals and homeless, drug addicted people with the most bounteous welfare pay-outs anywhere. They have now adjusted the law and have no arrests for shop lifting.  Another city run by these lawless Democrat forces. Incomprehensive lawlessness.

Should I mention Detroit, Baltimore, and Los Angeles, once great cities, now bankrupt and crime ridden, destroyed by the Mystery of Iniquity administered by this incomprehensible lawlessness.

The world may indeed be entering the prophesied era of the end times "falling away" from Christian Churches by a multitude of false professors of faith.  Church membership is no longer a political asset. The Mystery of Iniquity has come out of the closet to hinder God's people as we approach Christ's coming "in the air" to catch away his Bride, in whom the Spirit of Christ dwells.

"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,"         (We beg you by the second coming of Christ, in the air, the resurrection and rapture of Christians)       "That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand."       (That none of you be confused or troubled by some lying spirit, lying talk or written words, that deny the Return of Christ and Rapture of His Spirit filled Bride).

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,        (The return of Christ will be preceded by the revealing of Anti-Christ and a "falling away" of weak believers and unsaved, professing believers)          "...and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Who opposeth and exateth himself above all .... shewing himself that he is God.... And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.          (So now you know the Holy Spirit of God has been holding back Satan's "man of sin" until he, the Holy Spirit, is Raptured with God's people in whom he dwells. This "mystery of iniquity" has long been at work in the world, but is hindered and limited by the Holy Spirit until the rapture when He is transported, within Christians, into heaven)       "For the mystery of iniquity doeth already work: only he who now letteth (The Holy Spirit) will let until he be taken out of the way."       (raptured within the true Christians) " 2 Thess.2:1-7. 

Every born again Christian ... gone. The Holy Spirit .... gone with them.  During that Tribulation Period, God sends His 2 Witnesses as a final voice of the truth of Christ, primarily to the Jews, in an  incomprehensibly lawless world.... Then, finally, Christ comes to establish His Millennial Kingdom at the end of the 7 years of  Tribulation.

Aug 9, 2021

Expert's Covid Lies: Truth Does Not Need Daily Revision

But lies are dust in the wind = RB

One of my favorite commentators ...

James Rickards In 

Stop The Lies!

Health officials continue to lose credibility over COVID-19. They seem to change their minds daily based on whim rather than science. But that’s been the case since the pandemic started.

Going back to last January, official comments on COVID have been mostly wrong. The comments were either outright lies or were prescriptions based on politics, not medicine.

In January 2020, the World Health Organization said there was no human-to-human transmission of COVID. They knew better because of data from China, so that was a lie. Dr. Anthony Fauci said there was little risk of COVID coming from China to the U.S. Another lie.

Then, over the course of 15 months, Fauci said not to wear masks, then he said to wear them, then he said you could take them off. Now, he says it’s time to put them on again.

Fauci is an over-the-hill bureaucrat, not a true scientist. His greatest skill has been successfully navigating the Washington swamp for the past four decades. He’s heavily conflicted because he owns patents on inputs to the vaccines.

He also has a lot to hide, because he funded the Wuhan laboratory coronavirus research in the first place. The science is clear that masks don’t work (because the virus is far smaller than the mask weave), and lockdowns don’t work (because people indoors in confined spaces spread the virus faster than people outside who are in motion).

Masks are positively dangerous for children because they force you to breathe your own CO2, which causes dizziness, lethargy, inability to focus and can cause people to pass out. The latest lie is Biden’s call for vaccine mandates for federal workers or weekly testing, masking and distancing.

What Vaccine Mandate?

The White House had repeatedly said there would be no federal vaccine mandates. It’s true that there is no single mandate that applies to all Americans. But there are now hundreds of mini-mandates that add up to the same thing.

Biden’s federal worker mandate covers 4 million federal employees and as many as 4 million federal contractors.

Meanwhile, universities are imposing vaccine mandates on returning students. Large companies like Facebook and Google are imposing vaccine mandates on their workers. New York State has imposed a vaccine mandate on state workers. Sports and entertainment venues are barring anyone who cannot prove they have been vaccinated.

When you add it all up, we’re turning into a society of vaxxed and unvaxxed where the latter are denied the opportunity to work, attend school, go out for a show or sporting event and so on.

“There is no vaccine mandate,” they’ll say. But in reality, the unvaccinated will be treated as second-class citizens who can’t live regular lives or participate fully in society.

Why Are So Many Vaccinated People Getting Sick?

This is all over so-called vaccines that are really experimental gene modification treatments with dangerous side effects and limited efficacy since many vaccinated individuals are now being infected again. The vaccines won’t stop you from getting the virus or from spreading it.

In one Massachusetts town, for example, 74% of new cases have already been vaccinated. Data from overseas is even more revealing since many countries report new cases daily, which doesn’t allow for the type of data manipulation U.S. health agencies often engage in.

In Israel, about 85% of adults over 30 are fully vaccinated. Over 90% of those above 60 are fully vaccinated. But Israel is experiencing a dramatic rise in new cases. The number of serious cases has increased about 10 times since the beginning of July. Importantly, the vast majority are vaccinated.

The data reveal that rates of severe cases among the vaccinated are currently as high as the unvaccinated’s rate just two weeks ago.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, warns that cases may quadruple within three weeks and that authorities are preparing for new lockdowns (even though lockdowns have proven to be ineffective against stopping the virus).

Most Israelis have taken the Pfizer vaccine, incidentally.

Gene Therapy

But why should these vaccines stop you from getting the virus or from spreading it? Again, these aren’t vaccines in the traditional sense, which introduce weakened or inactive parts of a virus, against which your body produces antibodies.

Instead, these COVID vaccines introduce mRNA (messenger RNA) into your muscle cells. The cells then reproduce the spike protein. These vaccines are, therefore, a form of gene therapy.

Fauci has said that the recent surge in infections is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” that 99% of deaths were unvaccinated. But that’s another lie. The CDC’s own data indicated that 15% of fatalities occurred among the unvaccinated during the period in question. There’s reason to believe the actual figures are higher.

But the demands for universal vaccination continue. The American Medical Association (AMA) has reported that 96% of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated, based on a poll of 300 respondents.

The point is to try to convince those who aren’t vaccinated that if almost all doctors are vaccinated, you should be too. But a separate survey of 700 participants conducted by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) revealed that nearly 60% of respondents said they were not “fully vaccinated.”

Which numbers do you believe are more likely?

Cheap, Effective Therapeutics Are Suppressed

At the same time, health authorities have suppressed cheap, effective therapeutics like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that can significantly reduce COVID hospitalizations and deaths. These drugs have been around for decades and are extremely safe.

But the alphabet soup of health agencies says they need more testing before they can be approved. Yet these are the same people who are shoving experimental gene therapy down people’s throats, which were rushed through on an emergency basis without the usual testing that takes years.

Any health professional who cites the benefits of these therapeutics can be banned from social media, despite numerous clinical studies that demonstrate their effectiveness, especially if used in the early stages of illness. They aren’t magic bullets, but the data indicate they provide substantial benefit.

Why are public health authorities so determined to suppress these cheap but effective therapeutics? Well, you might want to follow the money.

The FDA granted emergency use approval for the vaccines. But for the FDA to grant that emergency approval, “no formally approved alternatives” can be available at the time.

If these other therapeutics were deemed effective, the vaccines couldn’t be rushed through on an emergency basis. And a lot of powerful interests stood to profit from the vaccines. They wouldn’t profit from off-patent therapeutic drugs that might cost pennies per pill.

Meanwhile, the push for new lockdowns, universal vaccination and vaccine passports continues.

It’s a Brave New World, and it’s not going away soon.

Aug 6, 2021

A Message From Our Sweet Mary

Please pray for her

Through this crisis and pain she has surpassed us all with her testimony, faith, and love. At this point we see more clearly that nothing else in life means much except our relationship with our Creator and Redeemer. Going to Heaven doesn't mean dying ... it means living forever ... in the presence. 

From Mary:
Oh my, thank you for those wonderful prayers! Today I had to get platelets again, and they always give me Benadryl before, so I've been loopy all afternoon. Rick didn't tell me he sent that email to Ron; but that's Rick. He's the sweetest! Praises are  1) they lowered my dose of steroids from 40 mg to 20, making a huge difference in quality of life.

2) even though the MM spiked up to the highest it's been, the pain is not as bad as I would've expected. I know God is giving me grace! 3)God has given me great opportunities to share Him with hospital staff. I asked Him to please give me words because mine are messy! The Holy Spirit told me to just use His words since they are powerful and do not come back void. So, when I had my biopsy, the Dr told me to think of something nice as he's giving me anesthesia; so I quoted John 3:16 & 17🤗

There were about 7-8 people in the OR, and you could have heard a pin drop! No one clanked a tool or made a sound and somehow I got the whole thing out before I was out!😂 This is one beautiful thing about having cancer.

We know like y'all do that His thoughts and ways are greater than ours. I would love to be healed, but I praise Him that He thinks of me at all!

Please "think", with God, of Mary today and request prayer for her at your church Sunday.