May 30, 2010


We are fellow passengers on the ship of life
on a stormy, sin tossed, sea of strife.
It is a sinking ship and betrays our trust
for it is destined to sink and sink it must;
But He who peacefully walks upon the sea
reaches out His hand to you and to me. RB

I was conceived eighty years ago and have ministered to needy souls with God's
Word since I was a 19 year old Marine in North Korea at a place called the
Chosin Reservoir surrounded by 150, 000 Chinese Communist soldiers.
My ministry started there in 1950 while fighting through eight enemy road
blocks in Hell Fire Valley between Koto-ri and Hagaru-ri with George Company
of 3-1-1. We were ordered to fight our way north, through the valley to
reinforce First Marine Division Headquarters ten miles away on the south shore
of the Chosin Reservoir. Now retired from the Pastorate, this blog, my pulpit.
Pass it on. RB

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