Jun 24, 2010

Judas Was A Socialist

Common Sense Commentary: The word Socialist is not in the Bible, but the Socialistic philosophy, actions, greed and mindset are. Judas was, in fact a Socialist. Here is the proof in John 12:3-8.

"Then took Mary a pound of ointment...very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair...Then saith...Judas...who was going to betray Him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and carried what was put therein. Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always." Get this, "The poor you always have". There is and always will be poor people no matter how prosperous a nation may be. Jesus spoke to their need often.

Anyone who knows anything about Jesus knows that He cared more for the poor than anyone who ever lived on this earth. He Empathized with them constantly. He Loved them, fed them, healed them, defended them and saved them; but very often, He scolded or rebuked the rich..."The love of money is the root of all evil". Jesus and his Apostles didn't even have enough money to pay taxes but he knew God did and did not need or want earthly riches. God's Word, above, says that Judas was a "thief" and "cared not for the poor" but wanted the money of this woman because he 'bare the bag' of the Apostolic Team's few coins. Judas was the Treasurer. His outspokenness, superior attitude, selfishness, greed, and need for CONTROL proves he was not only a "thief" but a Socialist. Here are seven points that prove Judas was a Socialist:

1. Mary's possessions were all hers to decide what was to be done with them.
Socialists are driven to seek power, plan other people's lives and make other people's decisions and they will make ten thousand laws to accomplish control.

2. Mary's "Precious Ointment" was hers to use, to save, or to give away. Her greatest ambition was to sit at Jesus feet as he taught, and be a faithful disciple.
Socialists ambitiously seek high office because they truly believe they know better what producers and owners should do with the fruit of their own labors. Invariably, they want to be the middle man, take their cut (think exorbitant salaries, special insurance for themselves...not ObamaCare...that's for us peasants, and full retirement income after only one term..."Thief") and then give what's left in the "bag" to the non producers to keep their support and votes. Socialists are notoriously minimal givers of their own money but very "liberal" with other people's money. Jesus taught that those who have, should help those who do not have their needs, but to give it cheerfully out of a generous heart not have it robbed from them by politicians.

3. Mary's time, talent and labor earned the money to buy this Precious Gift for Jesus. It was entirely her business, her decision, her RIGHT to give it to Jesus without accusation and intimidation.
Socialists interfere in other people's business and believe in taxing or confiscating what the "Haves" work for so they,the socialists, can take a few huge bites and then give the core to their "Have Not" voters. Yes, they are very liberal with other people's money and rights. Welfare has done far more harm than being poor or rich. Socialistic welfare would have wasted most of the value of the ointment (300 pence)and benefited the "poor" very little because Judas was a thief. Left alone, Mary would have given to the poor with open heart. You know it is true.

4. Mary was not rich but frugal. She did without, skimped, and saved to buy this Precious Ointment. Jesus said, "she kept it... for the day of my burying".
Socialist Politicians motivate the lazy, spendthrifts, wasters, and envious to outvote the producers and savers. They are good community organizers and creators of action groups such as ACORN etc but all of that is a funnel, a net, a hook to take what others have worked for then give it to somebody else. Robbery.

5. Mary's life proves her gentle, kindness toward Jesus and to the poor.
Socialists are driven by their hunger for power. Jesus said Judas did not care for the poor, but wanted control over the money...in the bag like so many politicians. He wanted control over the spending...of other people's money, and like most Socialists, was a "thief"...not a Robin Hood but a crook for his own sake.

6. Mary bowed humbly at Jesus' feet, washed His feet with her tears, dried them with her hair, and anointed them with her Precious Ointment which represented her time, talent, and labor which she gave to earn the money to buy it.
Judas, the Socialist, was proud of his authority and position as Treasurer and was pridefully showing off his superior intelligence and financial genius when, thinking he had an air tight case, openly criticized this lowly woman for waste and Jesus too for allowing it. He truly thought he was 100% right and Jesus was wrong. Typical Liberal, Socialist...he knew exactly what Mary's ointment was worth...300 pence.

7. Mary's love and commitment to Jesus guided her heart to worship and sacrifice for her Savior, the Son of God. Jesus told Judas, "LEAVE HER ALONE".
Judas, "the thief" and Liberal Socialist obviously loved money and control more than he cared for God or His Son Jesus and, as a lost "church member", was driven by his greed to finally betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver...to be crucified. Judas was not only a "thief" and a Socialist and a traitor but, as I have said, a "Liberal". The Prophet Isaiah said, the day is coming when, "The vile person shall be no more be called 'liberal' nor the churl (selfish miser) said to be bountiful." Isa.32:5 KJV. Pass It On. RB

1 comment:

Peter David Orr said...

Brilliant. Thank you for writing this well thought out commentary.