Jun 22, 2010

Should We Be Proud Of Ourselves For Being White?

Common Sense Commentary: There are so many "Proud To Be" groups these days that I thought I should address the subject. God's Word says, "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall". Prov.16:18

I received a "Forward" today entitled, "PROUD TO BE WHITE". Most of what it said was true ....but, should we be proud of ourselves for being white, in reaction to those who say they are proud to be black or brown or whatever ? Should we be proud of ourselves for being tall or beautiful for which we did nothing ? If one paints on the "beauty", that paint isn't really them....though they did do it. So maybe they should be proud of their "masking" talent or "facial artistic" ability... though I doubt they would boast much about that.

I liked the honest, but crude, reasoning of the "Forward" because what it said is mostly true and it exposes a grievous injustice. To clarify myself, I am not proud to be white or ashamed to be white. The fact is, I've never thought of being white in that way. I am what I am. I may be a bit too proud to be me, which exposes my vanity (meaning empty, useless), but if I were black, brown, redish, yellowish, or whatever, I hope I would be content to be me and not proud or ashamed of my color. Should a person be proud of themselves for something they had absolutely nothing to do with ? I might also say, I am not "proud" to be a Christian; that is just who I am. I am extremely thankful to Jesus and God though, and I am certainly not ashamed to be a Christian. I did not earn it or in any way deserve it. I am a sinner saved by grace not personal merit. The word "proud" does not fit there. In my understanding, the word "proud" should be the way we feel about our children or friend or anyone, even ourselves, for doing something very well.... if we don't boast about me me me me. I am not exempt from boasting...I must confess I am proud to be a Texan, which I did not earn and proud to be a Marine which I did. But that is not to be compared to my salvation for which Christ died and God gave me freely. We have all known someone who is always bragging on themselves and how great they are. Doesn't it make you a little nauseous ? And yes, I know some Christians act morally superior and somewhat exalted above all "those sinners" and often everyone else....but Jesus had no such attitude. The more vain pride in a person, the less humility and the less humility, the more vain pride. Vain pride is unbecoming of anyone but especially in we Christians. Humility is always found in deeply spiritual Christians. Spirituality and vain pride do not live in the same heart. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy he saves us, by the washing of regeneration...." Titus 3:5. Also Eph.2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of (our) works lest any man should boast".

Here is the complaint of the "Forward" writer and many whites: There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans and Americans. If you call me "White Boy" or "Cracker" or "Honky" or "Whitie" or "Ghost"....that's OK. But when I call you "Black Boy" or "shadow", you call me a racist. You have the United Negro College Fund and Black History Month but why not a United Caucasian College Fund or a White History Month ? It's racist. You have the NAACP...try NAAWP. Never happen...it's racist. You have BET... Black Entertainment Television...but if whites had a WET...White entertainment Television, they are racists. If whites had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists. If we had a White History Month, we'd be racists. In our U.S. Congress there is a "Black Caucus exclusive to black Congressmen". Starting a "White Caucus" in Congress would cause a Civil War. There is a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and a just plain Chamber of Commerce for everyone...but a "White Chamber of Commerce" would destroy everyone involved in it. A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but any color can be in the Miss America Pageant. Try a Miss White America....racist. A White College or Scholarship Fund ....racist, but there are over sixty openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the U.S. but not one 'White' College. The Million Man March was for Black Race Rights. A march for White Race Rights is racist. It is, in fact, a double standard and it is time for it to cease. Let every American be judged on the basis of content of character not color. Its time has come. Pass It On. RB

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