Jul 5, 2010

On Credit Cards and Counterfit Dollars

Common Sense Commentary: Remember Joe Blewit and Ida Fritteraway, the couple who lived on Fantasy Ave. just off Reality Blvd. ? Well, Joe and Ida have a boy and a girl, Dittle and Dally, and that takes a lot of money these days. They both have jobs, but don't make enough money to meet all their wants. They only earn $120,000 total per year, after taxes and deductions, so Ida says, "We have to get a new Credit Card every now and again to increase our income". "But", Joe says, "a new Credit Card only lasts about five or six months before its empty". "So", Ida frowns, "We have to slave away filling out another of those aggravating, unnecessary application forms to get another card to pay our bills. We only have seven between us....well, four more that are maxed out." Joe, with insult written on his face, chimes in, "One Bank had the gall to turn us down so we are never going back in there, and I told them so. We will do business where we are appreciated."

Joe and Ida, like thousands of other "average" American couples are actually at an unfair disadvantage. Their Uncle Sam, who taught them everything they know about finances and how to be "World Class Consumers" to help out multinational businesses here and abroad....Well, Sam is going for his seventeenth doctorate. He has decided on a full scholarship, plus a long list of benefits, from Icelandic School Of Advanced Consumption. Greece also offered a full scholarship, books, health insurance, and a salary if he would attend their Athens University School Of Finance. He turned Greece down because "Iceland offered a better deal and besides," he says, "he is more interested in Consumption that Finance." So, as I said, Joe and Ida are at an unfair disadvantage trying to do their patriotic duty and spend faster than their more experienced Uncle. Sam is one of the leading experts, in that field of endeavour, in the world. Besides, he has a fleet of the finest, high tech,Speeduvlight, lazier,G-5, U.S.Mint, printing presses, in the Universe which he bought from Russia for only $700,000,000. Old Sam already out spends all the couples in the world, so getting his seventeenth doctorate and with these new Speeduvlight presses, he will be even more proficient with printing perfect counterfeit dollars for budgets, foreign aid, bail-outs, stimulus at home and abroad, free everything for everybody...well, as you can see, it is a real success story of the American Dream. Of Course, Sam is drooling at the prospects. He told me, in private, that he is "partnered with U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve and IMF to inflate the U.S. money supply by a thousand percent." I said, "But isn't that..."NO, he said, STUPID, IT IS NOT STEALING !! YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE, SO SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP." Slipping out, while Uncle's eyes were rolling with dollar signs, I drove straight to the voter's registration office and switched to the Tea Party. Later, I was trying to explain it to Joe and Ida but they wanted to talk about their neighbors, Bill Payer and his wife Frugal. They were worried about Bill and Frugal's mental health. Joe says,"No wonder they are so poor, they drive an old car, never get any new stuff or go out to eat or to the movies. They just work, work, work,...No wonder they are so poor. Now get this,says Joe, this guy Payer next door, told me personally, that 'California is a worse basket case than our Uncle Sam'. Can you believe such ignorance, California, the most beautiful, prosperous, high paying state in the country...'A basket case he says'. I knew Frugal didn't know from nothin about finance when she said, "California is trying to cut 14 Billion dollars from their budget. She doesn't seem to know that anybody who can cut $14,000,000,000 MUST be in good shape. When I told them my brother picks up trash out there and makes a hundren grand, well, Bill and frugal just shook their heads and walked off without a how do you do. They go to church but we need to pray for them." Yes,Fantasy Competes with Reality and Corrupts. Pass It On. RB

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