Aug 15, 2010

The 17 Zillion "Forwards" I Get And Send On Half Of...

Common Sense Commentary: Enough is enough !! Thanks, I love you all...really. This is to all my mailing list... friends, enemies, and kin folks ....
No need to convert me; I'm already redeemed, saved, born again and converted to Christ. No need to brainwash, entertain, warn or scare me to death with all the known facts in the world.
I already know the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I am well aware of the unbelievable, tangled mess our own country has voted itself into. Talk to me ! Don't send me tons of
information about our national debt of trillions for welfare, Social Security, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, free medical care, war, and commitments etc. etc. etc. which amount to 17 TRILLION $$$$$ and rising another TRILLION every year into the distant future which cannot possibly, ever, ever, ever be paid off in a thousand years but will tax our children and great, great, great grandchildren to death for evermore til Jesus Comes and we get the blame for letting it happen. There is one way to pay off the national debt. That is for the Fed. Reserve to print 17 TRILLION more new dollars... That would do it, but it would also make your own, savings, retirement, Soc.Sec. payments, dollars, worth about 2 cents each. Yes, my dear friends....

I am already so outraged, angry, hot under the collar and MAD, that I have ceased to read any newspaper, or watch TV news except FOX. I don't even read most of the glaring, important stuff forwarded to my mail box online. Even though almost all of it is true and the #*&^$% Liberals need to hear it. Every day a bunch of forwards arrive and I read the titles and maybe a paragraph. Then, I say to myself, "I am already 9,999 percent AGAINST that or 9,998 percent FOR that. Either way it is 9000 percent OVERLOAD on my old brain. The problem is, I either have to cease force feeding myself tons of information or, plan two, load my shotgun and head for Washington. So I just forward those shockingly true forwards on to everybody I know to help them either get motivated to VOTE next election or maybe THROW UP... or maybe hate me for exposing them to horrifying facts or for force feeding them that good stuff I can't stomach much more of, myself. You can count on old Rayburn to fight the good fight, witness and VOTE. I already hate the devil and dislike all his politically correct helpers here on earth and I'm 10,000 percent against what they stand for. I can't increase that... impossible.

Most of this forwarded stuff is true, some is really fantastic and says what I wish I had said and some of it is half true more or less. I have noticed that some of the most brilliant, revealing "forwards" are branded "Untrue" by Snopes because the original article was written by someone other that the one given credit for it. If the information is accurate and needs to be said, I don't really care who wrote it. The Communists used to kill one of their own folk heroes or a village, and blame it on the U.S. to gain the sympathy of other idiots and win world support. I think Liberals, of similar stripe, change those named authors of "forwards" and send them on to discredit the information. If I sound cynical, its because I AM ! We citizens of this country have been lied to, misled, cheated, and abused by power hungry politicians, Wall Street, The Liberal News Media, and Central Bank manipulators for decades and it gets worse every year. If Jesus doesn't come soon, this old wicked world will rot down to its socks into a big pile of scum .... on its own. That's why I believe His hand is on the door knob. He will be back.

When our duly elected politicians somehow morph from the Lone Ranger into a greedy, lying bandit, who do you blame ? It must be the demented citizens who voted them in. Whats the remedy for that ? It wouldn't change anything if all the politicians just dropped dead. Those same simple minded voters would just vote some more big spenders and crooks and liars back
in with hopes of getting a few more crumbs from the Washington free stuff table.

The only answer, humanly speaking, is that every True Christian campaign and vote for honest, descent all Americans. You know all those loafers, muggers, prostitutes and freeloaders are not going to register and vote. We can out vote them if every Real Christian will just get up and go vote or better yet, vote early by mail. We would never lose an election if we All just voted. That is not to say I was enthusiastic about the slate of candidates in 2008. I wasn't.

I'll make you a deal. If you will just read my blogs, I will cease to send forwards of any kind. What it may take me hours to write, you can read in a few minutes. In other words, I will read all of your emails to me and you read mine and we will both by-pass the overwhelming temptation to "forward" all that good stuff to each other. I will send it to my Liberal frien....
associates but not to you. They are the ones who need to read it. I am already convinced and I know you are too. Yes,10,000 percent.

Keep this one at home. RB


  1. Bro. Blair ... I like your approach! You are right ... most of my family and friends/acquaintances believe pretty much like me! I think I will create a special group called 'Libs, Dumb Dems and Other Idiots' and forward the stuff to them ... when they tell me to remove their names from my mailing list, will do it! :o)

  2. "I feel your pain". This is all too true, and your "take" is hilarious.


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