Aug 17, 2010

Riden A Bull Called "Precious" Til The Horn Blows

Common Sense Commentary has closed for the day. Today I've got Riddles, Puzzles, and Proverbs revealing a one word tip .... if you can decipher what Tx is talkin about. Clue ------ (six letters).

I'm writin this to all my fans in the stands and podners in the chutes with a one word riding tip.Now, all you cowboys and cowgirls in the stands justa yellin and screamin at the judges an the administration better give a listen to them boys in the chutes, ridin, tyin and tellin. I say "boys" cause there ain't no "sweet thangs" ridin bulls. Now this is the Main Event here in Odessa's Tumbleweed Rodeo Rink an everbody here has it all on the line bettin on whose gonna take home the Title, Silver Buckle, an Prize Money. Lotsa cowboys has rode mean ole Brahma Bulls, from Wall Street to Whatchacallit, over the years .... but mostly didn't ride em long. Them that did, had a big payday and didn't have to order a glassa water, on the road, between Rodeos nomore....for a while anyways. Now, water with ketchup, salt and pepper tastes good when your starvin but gets old fast .... and so does sugar water for desert but it keeps you hobblin on with your thumb out.

Now listen, them national champions in bull ridin give good tips to you civilians wearin them football helmets an ridin them volatile stock back home .... Keep that helmit on cause you need it. Theres a reason they call them stock advisers "brokers" cause they done "broke" a lotsa boys. I'd ruther lose a ear or eye than my head .... which I have done onct or twict. Anyways, real, top notch bull riders will tell you that onct you get on the hurricane deck of a real Brama bull, "pray, stay, an payday at the horn". Other words, ride thisun til the horn blows cause thats where the fortunes is. Well, down here in Texas, I've topped off a few good bull runs in my time and got broke up, bruised and busted mostly .... a lota times, actual, an no payday. But, THIS Bull called "Precious" done bucked, bounced and rattled me, for nine years, an I'm still on his back, neck, and b... uh hind quarters. That ain't all, I ain't leavin cause he's a payday already and I know where he's goin so I'm gonna ride him til the horn blows ebum tho I know I'll be bow legged, ringie and raw til the cows come home. Thisuns gonna be in the winners circle with me on him. I want that silver buckle and I,m stakin my boots, cows and mesquite trees on Ole "Precious". My soul I done give to Jesus an He's gonna get the glory an more business frum me. So, when the horn blows, look me UP, cause UP's where I'll be.

So, what is Tx talkin about in this one word tip ? Its not spiritual, its fiscal.
Use email not the blog for answers.No use passin thisun on; nobody will believe it anyways. RB

Oct.1, 2010 Answer:
"One word tip" is Silver ... physical silver, not paper. It has been in a "Precious" metal, "Bull" market for nine years and I have "ridden" it ever since. It has been a rough ride with volitile ups and downs but its rise looks like jagged stairsteps all the way up from about $4.00 to $22.00 spot per oz. and the sky is the limit. It would take a day to explain why I believe that, so I won't go there ... here. "Give and it shall be given unto you ...." Til the horn blows ! RB Update=Jan.2011 $30

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