Sep 3, 2010

Maybe There Was A Big Bang ... Maybe

Common Sense Commentary:

This week, eminent space scientist, Stephen Hawking, boldly stated, with one finger, "God did not create the universe" and, "There is no need for God, to explain" where it came from. Since he is terribly crippled and all he can say must be typed, with one finger, one letter at a time, he didn't actually "say" it, but pecked it out on a keyboard. But they were his thoughts and words. It is very interesting to me that, as a space scientist, he chose the very first verse in the Bible to deny. Genesis 1:1"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth ." Dr. Hawkings didn't mince words, he went right to the very root of the problem he has been wrestling with all his life ... where did it all come from ? I fear, it is Stephen Hawking not the Apostle Paul who fits Festus' conclusion, "much learning hath make thee mad". Acts 26:24.

Gen.1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" has a New Testament revelation of the verse. John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.... All things were made by him; .... and without him was not anything made that was made .... and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory .... as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." v.1,3,14. (Jesus).

To deny Genesis 1:1 is to deny John 1:1-14 and to deny either is to deny both God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son ... the living Word of God. You see, the only record humanity has of where the world, universe, and we ourselves came from is God's Word, the Bible. No "missing link",between monkeys and men, has ever or will ever be found,because there is none. If we cannot believe (have faith in) the first verse of God's Word, we cannot, with any real faith believe any other verse in the Bible. To deny one verse is to cast a shadow of doubt (unbelief) upon it's entirety and one cannot ever be saved (spiritually born again) until they cease to disbelieve. Again, the Bible is also the only source we have, from God, as to our creation, sin the fall, and God's plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. This problem, of unbelief, is clarified in Rom.10:17 "Faith cometh by hearing ... the Word of God." If one does not believe the Word of God, they cannot have true "faith" which comes from the Word of God. This is why Satan has devised so many pseudo "new, improved ,more understandable Bibles"and outright enigmatic mimicry as Mohamed's Koran and Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon. Both of which have a mysterious aura about them which intrege some to embrace as a preferable way of life, and distract from God's true Word where "faith" derives.

Steven Hawking is truly a brilliant scientist, but if he thinks he has proof for his denial of God as Creator of all things, he falls into the category of "False Science" for his denial is only a "theory" not science. The word "science" literally means, "to know by verifiable PROOF". Mr Hawking does not Know what he is talking about when he says, from his finite brain, that the infinite universe was not created by the infinite GOD. When he says, "We don't need God" to explain the existence of the universe, he is suggesting that he can explain it, without God. That is the biggest claim a man has ever made. There are only two basic religions, Amoebic Evolution from amoeba to tadpole to monkey to man or a Creator God. Evolution is Satan's counterfeit religion to avoid admitting to an Intelligent Creator and therefore be compelled to accept and serve Him as God. Evolution has spawned a thousand offspring religions, many with admixture of shadowy vestiges of Christianity, to look respectable and acceptable to unstudied people. Evolution is not a better answer to our existence but an absolutely impossible one. If the Atheist thinks God is hard to explain, try explaining the universe, earth and us without Him.

If Mr Hawking's theory is the "Big Bang" caused the infinite universe, he needs to look one step back beyond the Big Bang", if there ever was one, to the CAUSE of the bang. When God's eternal Big Word said, "LET THERE BE...." and the Heavens and Earth suddenly burst forth, there most surely was a very Big Noise, Explosion, Boom or BANG !!!!! The
BIG question is ..... "Who lit the fuse "?

"Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called." 1 Tim.6:20

Pass it on. RB

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