Sep 30, 2010

Obama's Welfare Queen, Aunt Zeituni

Common Sense Commentary: I saw a video this week which revealed the most "unCOMMON" "nonSENSE" I have seen in my eighty years of observing nonsensical professionals with Doctorates behind their names, who make a living at it. This video, on the Internet (Google
"Obama's Aunt"), was the first interview she has given since being granted asylum in May.
The interviewer, Jonathan Elias, is a correspondent with WBZTV. This is the aunt, Obama so affectionately describes, in his book, "Dreams Of My Father".

It seems, President Obama's favorite Aunt, Zeituni Onyango, 58, first came to the U.S. in 2000, at the age of 48, for a brief visit and has been here now for ten years. She says, before she could return, she became ill and had no return ticket or money. She went into a hospital, and as an alien, of course, all her medical needs were provided free of charge ... to her, not taxpayers. Released from the hospital, she was granted "Government Housing", free to her, not taxpayers. Then, of course, since she was broke, even though her nephew and his pastor were and are millionaires, she was generously given, by happy taxpayers, "Public Assistance" of $700 per month ... free to her ... but not to us taxpayers and Taxachusetts (where Boston is). All this plus food stamps and other benefits, Auntie Zee never got, or needed, a job but is active in all kinds of clubs and free stuff organizations. Ain't America great? All of the above was given her even though she was then an illegal alien. But our Aunt Zee says she had it real rough over those years. She said, "The American Dream" was her "worst Nightmare, a hell of a lot of trouble" she said. That sounds worse than Kenya to me. But she somehow retained a very expensive lawyer who prepared and presented her case to the Judge, for "Asylum" here. She contended that, as a member of a minority tribe, she would be in terrible danger of being "targeted" if she returned to Kenya. The Judge thought not and turned her down but didn't deport her though she was an illegal alien and being supported by taxpayers. Makes a preacher want to cuss. Where is my staff cusser when you need him ? I wonder if I can apply for "asylum from my home country cause I feel "endangered" and "targeted" here. Maybe Mexico would take me or Kenya or Boston. I like that illegal alien pay and benefits.

When Aunt Zee's nephew, Obama, was sworn in as a U.S. Senator in Chicago, she was invited and attended the big celebration. And it came to pass, after many days, that the "Community Organizer" who was now the Junior Senator miraculously became President of the most powerful nation on earth and the richest ... and dumbest ? Again, Aunt Zee was invited and attended the Presidential Inauguration and Huge celebrations. When word of that unbelievable miracle spread through the host, everything in the universe "Changed" and the people had "Hope" for more and more free stuff. Now, that impressed Aunt Zee's big time Lawyer and that small time Judge who had dared turn her down for "Asylum" in the country her Nephew President now owned "lock, stock, and Congress".

Whether the new President dropped a word, to the powers that be, for Aunt Zee or not, we don't know, but her case suddenly became very important. Her expensive Lawyer, whom she swears was "paid for by Heaven", had no trouble convincing the same judge to change his mind in May of this year. He now sees the light .... at the end of the tunnel and jumped off the track with her asylum permit in hand. He judiciously decided she really would be in danger back home in Kenya where all of her and Obama's other relatives live unmolested .... (someone check the new applications for asylum from Kenya).

When the correspondent asked her why she stayed here "illegally" all those years, she said, "If I come here, you have the obligation to make me a citizen". I heard it and saw her lips say it.

When he asked her if there was any political influence brought to bear on the Judge in her case, she said, with emphasis, "Don't drag my child into this" several times.

The correspondent asked her if she felt she owed the American taxpayers anything. She said, "I owe them nothing and they owe me nothing".

When he asked her if she had "taken advantage of the welfare system, she answered in amazement, "I didn't take advantage of the system, the system took advantage of me". Her symptoms indicate either a mental disorder or a common, communicable, community disease.

Again, "unCOMMON nonSENSE". The remedy, for this mad malady, is to elect hard nosed conservatives November 2 and ever after. Not Liberal Republicans, Democrats or Independents. They have destroyed "The American Dream" and still want to continue their evil, socialistic politics while the rest of the Socialistic Governments of the whole world are giving up on it in favor of "FREE ENTERPRISE" which we, now, are doing the opposite. It is a kind of insanity.

Pass It On. RB

1 comment:

  1. The one question that still lies heavily on my heart is...

    Who sponsored her visitor visa to this country?


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