Sep 24, 2010

The Truth Of Our National Economy As I See It 9/24/10

Common Sense Commentary: I suspect that for the next twelve to twenty years, whichever political party is in the majority of our government will be voted out, after two or four years, and the other party voted in .... maybe even a third party will develop. My reason for saying this is dealt with in this blog. Most of you know that I am normally a positive type guy. I once said, on our television program that "anything which can be made can be fixed. One of our viewers, an elderly lady, mailed a broken, old radio with a letter to me. She reminded what I had said and asked me to "please fix it for her". Even though I still believe what I said, I could see that it would cost far less to simple buy her a new radio, so I did. I've gotten myself in such "fixes" many times in my years of speaking an average of seven or eight times per week. What I am going to say today could be fixed by God Himself but its too late for men to fix it. Like a disease, it will just have to run its course, and it will come to an end if Jesus tarries His coming. Our nation is like a family where the children have been brought up believing everything is free with no boundaries. No work or chores required. Demand anything you want and Mommy or Daddy simply put it on the credit card, hand you the keys, or cash or whatever your heart desires. All you have to do is come home before sunrise. Children, in a home like that, grow up and do the same thing all their life. "The world owes me", "I deserve the best and most", "I have a right to have it", "Somebody owes me a retirement". That might work for a time but "BANKRUPTCY COMETH" or "JAIL FOR ROBBERY or MURDER". "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Ga;.6:7. It's God's LAW !

As much as I would like to think our country could be spared, if we could just elect enough fresh, new, conservative, faces to Congress in November, REALITY tells me it's too late. There aren't enough honest, patriotic, conservative, intelligent Supermen or women in America to reverse the irreversible damage our country has suffered to it's most vital structure. An honest, perceptive, realistic, all-inclusive look at the FACTS will reveal an inconceivable MAMMOTH National DEBT, plus TRILLIONS in new currency printed, plus a Treasury Bond bubble ready to burst, plus hundreds of banks on the precipice of failure, plus several states in undeclared bankruptcy, plus the continuing flood of illegal aliens, plus the rumbling earthquake of impending inflation, plus an inept government, plus continuing corruption, plus similar world-wide problems, and on and on.

If the crash of world economies is at the irreversible point, none of the leaders of nations would dare say so lest they be blamed for "lighting the match" that caused the explosion that blew the gate off of "REALITY". They have all fed and protected this wealth eating Monster until ole REALITY grew too large to control and now feeds itself. The politicians and genius, young, bankers, hedgers, Wall Streeters, and Central Bankers have created something they cannot now keep in it's cage. It is a Godzilla sized Frankenstein creation most of the world does not believe in because it is inconceivable and because their leaders are too scared to tell them. For just one President, Premier or King to say the truth would cause a stampede of hysteria which would tip the precarious balance of our teetering, decayed economy. They know that, so they now have but one option, keep printing stimulus and mad, new, paper money to put at the Monster's bowl at his open gate and hope he goes to sleep so they can fix the henges and lock him in again. Not going to happen !

I know, of course, that some of my friends will think old Rayburn is getting senile and has become a doomsday prognosticator but that's ok. We will all know the truth soon enough and besides, I'm too old to care anymore what negative reaction I stir up ... if it's the truth as I see it. The truth is more important to me than sugar coating bad news is to our politicians and scared silly financial "experts". I can deal with the truth but I cannot make correct decisions based on false information, half truths and lies. You be the judge of what I have said. I'm ok with that.

I wrote a blog a while back entitled "A Bull Called Precious". I didn't reveal much of what I was writing about, but I gave a few vague clues. A few of you picked up on my hidden meaning. Well, I wuz talkin about "Physical Silver in a bull market". I use APMEX. Google it. RB

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