Oct 9, 2010

"Heads Up" Republicans and Independents

Common Sense Commentary:

The latest Gallup Poll, in it's "low turnout model", shows the Republican edge over Democrats at a stunning 56% to 38%. That degree of plurality has never been seen in any similar Gallup survey. I have chosen their "low turnout model" because it seems likely, to me, that even though Republicans and half of the Independents will turn out in force, Democrats, other than blacks, which is 13% if the population, have lost their motivation. They won't say it openly because they celebrated too loudly when Obama said "We can" and they said "I do" and their man won, but they don't like him either, now that the sun has come out of eclipse.

These Liberals, who spoke so highly of Obama, the king of Liberals, are rather like the naive, teen aged girl who brought her new fiancee, a recently released convict, home to meet her parents with his "brass" earring on her middle finger. All the respectable citizens in town knew this con-artist for what he was. The extensive evidence was a matter of record. The girl's radiant smile, gleaming eyes and happy heart announced her engagement to the "most wonderful man in the world". Her parents were speechless, horrified and her mom fainted. The fiancee pulled a Playboy magazine from his baggy, britches, hip-hop pocket and sat down in the father's chair to smoke joint and look at the girlie pictures. The father and daughter carried Mom into her bedroom where the father began showing the girl the morning paper which was covered with articles about her future husband's criminal history. He had been the leading pimp, drug pusher and addict in the county besides a long record of other criminal activity and the chief suspect in dozens of unsolved crimes including murder and rape.... and he was awful ugly and smelled bad too. Before her father, weeping, could finish the long list of this guy's crimes, she whined loudly, "But Daddy, nobody's perfect"...... I think I know that girl.

My "Heads Up" to Republicans and Independents is this: If Republicans win control of both houses of Congress, the "blame" shoe will be on the other foot ... so to speak. Right now, the majority of voters are blaming the Democrats for the mess this country is in; but that will change. In my opinion, the worst is yet to come in our economy. Only the mass printing of currency has forestalled a financial tornado but a much worse storm of depression is building to hurricane force. TARP, Quantitative Easing (printing money) and Stimulus give aways have TEMPORARILY held off the financial destruction, which will now be much worse when it is unrestrained. This, because of greater pressure build-up to the point of explosion. The fact is, it cannot now be avoided, and will come as a cat 10 hurricane rather than a tornado and Republicans will be there to blame. They will do their best to stop the catastrophe, redirect the thing, or let the air out of it to no avail ... but they have to try. The Conservatives can stop Obama and Congress from passing any new Socialistic legislation charged to our National Credit Card (printing presses), which already has a bottom line liability upwards of twenty trillion dollars owed and committed. That is a debt of a thousand, thousand million or a million million, or a thousand billion MULTIPLIED by twenty and growing another trillion every year into the future. Now, when we can't even pay the interest, when it's only 2 or 3%, how can we pay it when interest doubles or triples while the principle also increases ? Simple answer, we can't.

We would have been better off to let those so called "Too Big To Fail" banks go under and be rid of them. They brought it on themselves and us, and deserve to fold. Now, that's just one of our problems. When all these little, black, domino thingies, with white dots begin to tilt and fall, in turn, who will the people blame if Republicans have control of Congress ? Even if they all espouse the Conservative tenets of the Tea Party and swear again to uphold the Constitution, and stop spending money we don't have, salute the flag, and wear patriotic pins on their pajamas, they cannot prevent the consequences of our National sins. Only God has that power and we haven't given Him any reason to use it.

With a change in leadership, in Congress, the people will expect more of the new crew than is possible, at this point. Superman could not turn this ship around now. The rudder has been disabled by a political torpedo. It is like changing the crew of the Titanic, in mid ocean, AFTER it has side-swiped the iceberg. A new crew ain't gonna save the ship but the ship is going down on their watch and they will get the blame, even though they were not responsible for what happened, some in their party voted the Liberal line . But, since they can't repair the ship quickly enough to save it, in two years, before the next election in 2012, "throw the bums out" will still be the cry of the populous masses. There might even be one or two new parties running candidates. For instance, the Tea Party, which isn't a political party at present, or a hyper Liberal Party splitting off the Democrat Party. Which ever split off is strongest could sink the Party they now vote with. What then ? Only God knows and He ain't tellin.

The people already know that Obama, with his crooked as a snake Czars, and his disappearing cabinet act, doesn't know what he is doing up there in the stratosphere .... or maybe he knows exactly what he is doing and is bringing this country down to chaos so it will accept world wide laws, rules and rulers with international banking, currency, securities standards and fire arms laws. We already have an International Monetary Fund (IMF) and a Bank of International Settlements and "Global Trade Laws" and a United Nations and the list goes on. Prophecy !

Pass It On. RB

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