Nov 24, 2010

No Money ? Learn From The U.S.Fed., Counterfeit It.

Common Sense Commentary: In Bible days, before paper currency, coins were in short supply and the people used weights and measures as a medium of exchange, and that according to the standard of honest and constant weights and measures as commanded by God Himself.

I read the other day about an unemployed printer who had ingeniously created for himself a very lucrative job out of paper. The first year he made something like ten million dollars. I say "something like" because it wasn't "exactly like". He produced some brand new, beautiful, homemade, paper, hundred dollar bills. They looked like money, spent like money, felt like money, but it wasn't money, it was counterfeit. That is exactly what "legal tender", fiat, paper U.S. dollars are too ....counterfeit. The only difference is, "Official", fiat (paper) currency is legal but to counterfeit it, is illegal. Yes, I said, "the greenback, U.S. currency, dollars are counterfeit. To counterfeit these "legal" dollars is something like counterfeiting counterfeit money. This is true because real money is supposed to always be worth an exact amount in buying power and our currency is not. It's "buying power" keeps changing downward because our government and the Federal Reserve Bank are constantly deflating the dollar, and thereby inflating the things we buy, so that our money and savings diminish in value and buying power. They do this by simply printing up all the paper money they want to pay for the hundreds of ways they give it away so the American voter, and nations we support, will love them and they can raise their own salaries and remain in office. This kind of theft of the American savers and taxpayers could not be done when we were on a gold and silver standard. Back then, before they dumped the gold and silver standards, we could take a hundred dollar bill, which said "Gold Certificate" or ten dollar "Silver Certificates" into the local bank and trade them for that exact amount of silver or gold coins. The Government or Federal Reserve Bank could not print more currency than the U.S. had in physical Gold and Silver Reserves, so they couldn't spend the country into bankruptcy as they have now done. Example: When I was a boy and the $1.00 bill was a silver certificate, I could buy a little package called a "Guess What", with two pieces of soft candy and a small toy in it, for one cent. Today, the price of that "Guess What" would be an even bigger surprise at about one (fiat) paper dollar bill. So, in "Guess What" terminology, our dollar today has lost 10,000 % in buying power since 1936 when I was in first grade. A "fiat", paper, U.S. $50.00 bill may be worth slightly more than the $100 counterfeit of the counterfeit, but with the U.S. printing presses smoking hot, printing more trillions, soon they will be worth precisely the same .... zero. While our diminishing dollars will soon plunge at increasing speeds, old fashioned gold and silver are rising at comparative speeds. The only thing holding a crash back now is "Stimulus Billions", "Qualitative Easing", "Printing Free Money". When that stops, the wheels come off, but if it continues, the wheels may stay on and carry our national " LocoMotive" down the mountain at twice the speed to the worst national train wreck in history. Only "Christ in you is the hope of glory" and don't forget it. . Col.1:27.

Here is what God says about honest, dependable, constant money values, weights and measures:

1. "Thou shalt have perfect and just weights and a perfect and just measure shalt thou have." Deut.25:15.
God demands that a nations money (means of exchange) must be "PERFECT and JUST", always right and always of the same value or weight.

2. "A just weight and balance are the LORD'S: All weights in the bag are HIS work." Proverbs 16:11. It is God's Work.

3. "Divers (deviating) weights and measures, both ... are ... abomination to the LORD." Proverbs 20:10. Inflation or deflation of the earner's money.

4. "Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have ...." Lev. 19:36. Keep constant money values.

5. "Shall I count them pure (who use) wicked balances, with a bag of deceitful weights"? Micah 6:11. Buying or Selling perversions.

6. "With what measure ye mete... it shall be measured to you again." Mt.7:2. Honest or dishonest money, we reap what we sow.

Whether at the gas pump, gallons and cents, or a store's scales, ounces and pounds, or truck scales, to pervert an accurate gallon, quart, pint or to tamper with a scale to cheat the buyer, it is a crime and our Government will prosecute offenders. But, our Government and the Federal Reserve Bank tamper and pervert our means of exchange for those things, money, all the time and have been doing so for many years. It is time for a housecleaning in Washington D.C.

Pass it on. RB

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