Nov 20, 2010

A Thousand Fiery Advocates

Common Sense Commentary: I first wrote of the following experience in 1990 after pastoring 33 years and beginning to burn out physically and emotionally. I type it now as a blog addressed to Pastors, zealots, active Christians, Go-getters and Do-gooders too. My purpose is to help fire-brand people refocus and follow God's leadership for your remaining years just doing His will and work as Jesus taught us .... not someone else's good causes.

I think I must have more opportunities to "participate" in good causes than anyone I know. Invitations, RSVP's, challenges, pleas, and warnings arrive in almost all of my mail and most of my phone calls. There must be thousands of good causes for ministers and hundreds for laymen to get involved in .... each more important than the others.

There is hardly enough time in a day to do the survival things, much less the optional things. I neglected my wife and children for years trying to correct a steady stream of serious injustices, solve explosive world problems, right ten thousand wrongs, defend all the downtrodden, house all the homeless, feed all the hungry, shelter the fatherless, love the unloved, befriend the friendless, champion all good causes and snatch up every opportunity commanded in the Bible.

While recuperating from open heart surgery, I inventoried my life and all the good causes flooding my old, painful heart. I asked myself, "what is the most important thing in the world you can do for the rest of your life "? Examining all the possibilities, I visualized myself surrounded by a thousand fiery advocates of a thousand good causes. Each, in turn began to answer my question to myself for me.

A white-haired senior citizen spoke up first, "Take care of the elderly.' He that careth not for his own is worse than an infidel.'"

A precious widow raised her hand and said, "Look after the widows and orphans. The Holy Bible says, 'this is pure religion.'"

An inebriated street person spoke up, feed the poor and fight greed. The Good Book says, 'money is the root of all evil.'"

A tither stepped forward and said "tithing would solve all the world's problems. God's Word says, 'the tithe is the Lord's and is holy unto him.'"

A newly saved sinner volunteered, "We must forgive one another. The Bible says, 'to err is human, but to forgive is divine.' " "Those are Alexander Pope's words," I said. "Well", he said, "I knew one of those apostles said it."

Up jumped a flag-waving patriot, "Fight atheistic Communism and Socialism. It's still the biggest threat in the world. Glasnost and perestroika are Communist tricks. Stop Socialism in America.

"No", answered a Pro-Lifer. "Abortion is the worst evil in the world. There were two million babies murdered by this infanticide last year."

Someone in the back cried our, "Stop child abuse".

"Yes", answered a good citizen, "but pornography and drugs are causing most of these problems."

A middle-aged man responded, "If we don't stop this wave of crime, we are doomed, It is bankrupting America."

Deep conviction could be heard in the voice of a preacher-type, "Plain ole sin is the problem. Hebrews one says God hates it."

A well-dressed state Representative said convincingly, "Get out and vote. Support candidates who will correct all these things."

In the meantime", agreed a political activist, "write your Senator. If we let Senate Bill #666 pass, you can wave goodbye to America."

The weary wife of a philanderer wept as she said, "Strengthen the home. As goes the home, so goes the nation."

"Brethren, Brethren, intoned a pastor, "support the church. The Scriptures declare that Christ gave Himself for the church. The church is God's instrument in this old world."

"That's true," answered the parent of a teenager. "But if we don't reach these young people, the whole next generation will go to hell in a hand basket."

An elementary teacher could take it no longer. "Teach the children", said she. "Jesus Himself said, 'of such is the kingdom of Heaven' "

Wait just a minute", chimed in a music minister. "Evil music is the problem and good music is the answer, Remember the Pied Piper."

A saintly prayer warrior whispered, "Pray continuously. It's talking to God about our problems and prayer changes things."

"Yes", bellowed a type-A shaker and mover. "But faith without works is dead, dead, dead."

"But love and forgiveness covers a multitude of sin. We must forgive and love all these sinners", said a sweet little old lady.

Nine hundred and eighty two other advocates were waving their hands and jumping up and down to get my attention ......But as I drifted off to sleep, I heard a nurse say, "You need to walk, Mr. Blair, It's the most important thing you can do right now." Oh me !

"Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already unto harvest." John 4:35.

Pass it on. RB

1 comment:

  1. Dad... You did what you could and you did it well. I love you for it and thank you for the Godly heritage I have been entrusted with. It gives me everlasting hope... but best of all... eternal life through Christ our risen Savior! Christ in us is "the hope of glory"! Col 1:27


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