Jan 12, 2011

Congress & Mr.President, Listen Up !

Common Sense Commentary: Short message to our Political Leaders and the Fed.

Fed Policy, with the encouragement of Congress and the Obama Administration, appears to be to RE INFLATE the burst "bubbles" you gentlemen created in the FIRST place.

When your intention is to blow up a balloon to pacify and impress the children, remember it's limitations.
A balloon is a fragile toy which bounces, floats and elicits screams of joy from children. It is not a dirigible ! It can contain a limited amount of Congressional and Presidential HOT AIR ! When our BLOWHARD Political leaders BLOWHARD, it BLOWS UP in the children's faces and the children aren't happy anymore. It's time you people GROW UP and stop all these BLOW UPS.

I am your humble SERVANT, Rayburn Blair, Taxpayer and Provider of toys for political tots.

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