Jan 3, 2011

Lurid Tail Surfaces In Swampville, Florida

Common Sense Commentary takes leave of it's senses, for a change of pace, to report a report of a lurid tail, which surfaced in Swampville Florida recently. It concerns a mysterious disappearance which was solved in just nine days. First reported in THE SWAMPVILLE SUN TIMES by Reporter, Fabricator Gator, these are her nine headlines of stories she wrote during the nine day mystery.

Sun.- "Swampville resident, Alli Gator, alias "Shoes", suspected in his wife, Ima Gator's mysterious disappearance."

Mon.- "Swampville, Big City Detective, Invest I. Gator, says victim's bloody shoe found in hubbie's mouth."

Tue.- "Seminole witness, Navi Gator, leads Detective to hidden remains and says 'Alli Gator ater'."

Wed.- "Chief of Detectives, Interr O. Gator says Accused points index toe at his mistress, Miss Insti Gator."

Thur.-"Defence Attorney, Irri Gator waters down his client's guilt by accusing his mistress, Miss (Lips) Gator."

Fri. - "Prosecuting Attorney, Cassti Gator, wins case against terminally hungry killer, Alli (Shoes) Gator."

Sat. - "Guilty verdict delivers Alli Gator to Prison Warden, Fumi Gator for sensitivity training plus 100 years."

Sun.- "Prison Physician, Doctor Gator Aid, discovers Alli Gator is actually Allie's wife, Ima Gator, wearing his shoes, bow tie and toothpick."

Mon.-"Ima admits posing as Alli, eating him and falsely accusing his missing mistress, Miss Insti Gator... whom she also enjoyed."

The story is true to the news we read in today's world. Only the names have been changed.

Yes, yes, I confess, I wrote it. Forgive me. RB

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