Jan 25, 2011

Marvelous Miraculous Mathematics of our Creator

Common Sense Commentary:
God has Numbered everything in the universe from the first seven days of Genesis, the stars of the universe, the twelve Apostles, the Beast of Revelations (666), the millions of Christians who get to heaven (Rev.7:9), the 144,000 Jews sealed through the tribulation, every soul ever born and the exact days of our lives. He named one of the books of the Bible "Numbers". "And these are the numbers .... according to the word of the LORD." 1 Chron.12:23. Here is a link to a video demonstrating the phenomenal, almost unbelievable symmetry, structural perfection and genius of numbers. RB


See also my blog, the day after this one, "The Fingerprint Of God". RB

Pass it on. RB

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