Jan 24, 2011

The Secret To Successful Business Is No Secret

Common Sense Commentary: Here are Ten Commandments of GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICES that lead to success in any business endeavour. I gleaned these verses, on "Business", from Old and New Testaments.

1. Be Consistent - Joseph had proven himself to be consistently productive and honorable; so Pharaoh "made Joseph overseer of his house, and all that he had". Joseph was "minding his business", but his bosses wife constantly tried to tempt Joseph to "lay with her". "Joseph went into the house to do his business.... and she caught him by his garment, saying lay with me ... and he fled and got him out." Gen.39:11-12.

2. Good Management - "Five men of valour" found the city of Laish leaderless, wasteful, careless and badly managed in Judges 18:7 " Then the five men ...came to Laish, and saw the people that were careless...and there was no magistrate ... that might put them to shame ... and they ... had NO BUSINESS ...."
I must say, this city of Lavish Laish resembles the "carelessness" and bad business practices of our country, most of our states and cities here in the USA as well as Wall Street, the Federal Reserve Bank System, almost all Politicians, and Major Corporations.

3. Be Motivated - The Apostle Paul lists good business practice with Spiritual gifts in Rom.12:5-11. He lists prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling, mercy and then he includes, "Not slothful in BUSINESS."

4. Be Honest - Paul also challenged the Thessalonian Christians to use good business practices. Concerning brotherly love, he said, "Study to be quiet, and do your own business, and work with your own hands .... walk honestly toward them that are without." l Thess.4:9-12.

5. Get Organized - Nehemiah appointed everyone a job according to their talent, ability and calling. "... I appointed ... everyone in his business." Neh.13:30.

6. Multiply Business Not Talk - One of my most used, key, ministry verses (given me by my wife) over thirty six years of church and church missions building is, "... Let thy words be few. For a dream comes (true) through the multitude of BUSINESS; and a fools voice is known by multitude of WORDS." Ecc.5:3.

7. Quality Products - Never deal in inferior or faulty products or workmanship. "There are ... workers of stone and timber, and all manner of cunning (chakam=wise and skillful) men for every manner of work of gold, silver, brass, and iron. l Chron.22:15-16.

8. Do Due Diligence - The most successful business man in history, King Solomon said, "Seest thou a man
diligent in his business ? he shall stand before Kings ...." Prov.22:29.

9. Be Committed & Faithful - Daniel let nothing hinder his faithfulness to the KING'S BUSINESS. "Daniel
fainted, and was sick" but he "rose up, and did the King's BUSINESS ...." Dan.8:27.

10. Be Responsible & Obedient - Jesus is the perfect example of determination to fulfill His calling and commission. At the early age of twelve years, he asked his mother and Joseph if they did not understand
"... that I must be about my FATHER'S BUSINESS?" Luke 2:49.

As Gideon said, "Look on me, and do likewise". Judges 7:17

Pass it on. RB

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