Jan 26, 2011

Tango Mike Mike...Mexican Medic...True U.S. Hero

Common Sense Commentary:
As most of you know, I am a Marine, Korean War Vet, flag waving, salute all members of our military, Conservative, Constitutionalist, Bible believing, eithty year old, American Patriot with an attitude. Again,today, I am sending you a true story of an American War Hero. Here is one of the most courageous human beings I have ever heard of. I'm also a strong proponent of closing our borders to illegals.... but I really don't care how this guy got here, he is a true "American" Mexican Hero. I would trade a lot of Grengos for this Mexican. I dare you to see and hear his "Medal Of Honor" story.RB

Click on this link or copy and paste it.


Pass it on. RB

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