Feb 17, 2011

Common Sense Commentary: This woman obviously has no clue as to what her job is, or what she is supposed to do as the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve.......... The issue is the oversight pertaining to the ever-expanding, out of control balance sheet of the Fed. You will be absolutely stunned by this short video clip! In your wildest dreams you couldn't imagine anything like this happening in the USA. Click below. http://dailybail.com/home/there-are-no-words-to-describe-the-following-part-ii.html WHO IS KEEPING TRACK OF THE FED's TRILLIONS? Remember a Trillion is a thousand Billion.So a Trillion is = $1,000,000,000,000 This bureaucrat obviously has no idea as to what her job is and is the perfect appointee for this administration to oversee the Federal Reserve which prints and handeles trillions of dollars. She has no idea where the money has gone or what the Senator is talking about. One more example of a very highly paid public official who is totally in the dark.

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