Mar 16, 2011

All together Now ...Everybody Panic ...EEEEEEEK

Common Sense Commentary: Things are seldom what they appear to be .... sometimes better, sometimes worse. In the case of the world situation, I believe it is much worse than governments are willing to admit for obvious reasons. So .... All together now ... everybody panic .... EEEEEEEEKKK ....

Wait a minute, Wait a minute .... everybody is off key except Maude and she's singing a different tune .... Ok, Ok, let's do it again .... In unison this time .... here we go, two three, panic ... EEEEE .... STOP... STOP . Who's doin the cussin??

All kidding aslide, there's got to be a better, more beneficial way to face the world's all time record number of HORRIBLE, UNPRECEDENTED, SCARED TO DEATH, UNBELIEVABLE CATASTROPHES. It seems like, since 2008, the whole world is turned upside down, spinning around and around off it's axis.... now... scientists say. A guy I know said last week, "What the devil is going on". I told him that's exactly what's going on.... the devil is turned loose as he was on Job, in the Bible. Well, Job weathered his perfect storm and so can we. The Devil is laying the ground work for the coming reign of Antichrist, but Our Lord is undoubtedly working on our "Patience, Character and Faith" as he was with Job. God's Word says, "Tribulation worketh patience (endurance)" and, "Behold, we count them HAPPY which ENDURE. Ye have heard of the PATIENCE of Job and have seen the end (results) of the Lord; the Lord is very full of pity and of tender mercy." Jm.5:11. I think God put Job's experience in the Bible that Christians might learn that God always has a good purpose for every tribulation He allows to happen. God didn't send Job's tribulations but allowed the Devil to do it ... or it couldn't have happened. The end result was all to the glory of God. Job's wife failed the test ..."Job, curse God and die " she said. Job's three friends failed the test ... They withdrew from him into their self-righteous criticisms. But Job said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him" and God restored double all Job had lost during all those trials and tribulations ... including his health. Oh, there will be casualties .... as there are in every war, hurricane, flood, earthquake, tsunami and sickness. But "Tribulation worketh ..." and our God will bring good out of it for His children though not for the world, in general, except for those who turn to God for rescue and relief through faith in Christ which the nation of Israel shall do. The worst that can happen to us Christians is that we die ... but, then, we wake up in Heaven and that's the best thing that can happen. Anything less that death can be survived to a better life, faith, and endurance as it was with our friend Job.

Jesus said it :
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." Luke 21:28.

Pass it on. RB

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