Mar 2, 2011

Political Correctness Is A Coward's Mask

Common Sense Commentary: Better to die for truth and freedom than to live a coward.

Political Correctness is a form of insanity or worse, plain old, diabolical wickedness. To HELL, where it belongs, with Political Correctness, Political Intimidation, and Political Corruption and Cowardice. Stand UP America, speak out, and vote out the conniving corrupters and thieves of our Liberty. Confront the left wing Liberals who put them there. Tell them where to get off, as Jesus told the same types, in His day, when he "cast" the money changers out of the Temple. Did He care for their evil souls? Of course, but that didn't stop Him from throwing them out of the Temple. They were more likely to repent of their evil, and believe in Him then, than if He had spoken to them sweetly and begged them to stop corrupting Holy things. Even if none of them were repentant, Jesus also spoke to such a case in Mt.7:6, "Give not that which is holy unto dogs, Neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under feet, and turn again and rend you."

There are "professing" Christians who disagree with Jesus using violence and speaking harshly to those greedy, spiritually dead, violators of Holy Ground, but Jesus cares not what hypocrites think. I'm sure the "Chief Priests" and rulers of the Temple, who allowed such wickedness in the House Of God, also disagreed with Jesus. He didn't care what they thought either."And Jesus went into the Temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the Temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers .... And said unto them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves. And the blind and the lame came to him in the Temple; and He healed them .... and the chief priests and scribes were sore displeased." Mt.21:12-14. Strange how supposedly religious people can condone unholy acts and be "displeased with holy ones".

It is religious Liberals and Legalists who have hurt the cause of Christ, not the truly born again Christians. Jesus did not hesitate to speak out against the political and religious leaders during His time on earth and neither did His disciples. They spoke and preached against the evils of their day even though they were not, themselves, without fault. No one is. Every Christian has faults and even low grade sins, it doesn't disqualify them from taking a firm stand and speaking out against evil and error. I refuse to be intimidated or feel guilty because I see nothing wrong with profiling, patriotism, high moral standards, virginity, loyalty to an employer, kids who show respect to elders, witnessing and dressing as well for God as for a funeral, wedding or job interview. Neither will I be intimidated or feel guilty for believing some things are sin with a mate unmarried, homosexuality, foul language, abortion, drunkenness, welfare cheats and Islamists who won't speak out against Islamic terrorism. If you disagree with me ... fine. You have that right. We will all answer to God for ourselves not someone else. "So then everyone of us shall give account of himself to God." Rom.14:12. You do what you think is right and let me do what I think is right.

This is my announcement to all my friends, enemies, bureaucrats and the world that I will be me whether anyone likes it or not. I will not be "Politically Correct" or otherwise conform to Liberal, Legalistic or Religious expectations or demands. If I can't be your friend without agreeing with everything you believe ... forget it. I can survive and live happily without you. What America needs is for honest, patriotic Christians to stop conforming to the world's standards and follow Jesus and God's Word openly. Let the world see a strong Christ in you not a weak, fearful, contradiction and Christian impersonator. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck .... it could be a chicken in duckie drag if it doesn't walk like what it is and not like a "chicken". God help us all to cast away the filthy rags of conformity and STAND UP FOR JESUS !

Now listen to the Christian Commander of Black Hawk Down speaking out on the reason the Fort Hood Officer, Counselor, Muslim Assassin was not dealt with prior to killing our soldiers .... POLITICAL CORRECTNESS

Cut and Paste:

Pass it on .... I'm not afraid of our Government, Muslims or the Devil ... but, yes, of God. RB

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