Apr 5, 2011

Boasting Wisdom Proves The Fool

Common Sense Commentary:  "Professing themselves wise, they became fools." Rom.1:22 

"The sociopaths' craving for power that rises like pond scum to positions of authority and becomes the societal cancer known as government can only be exorcised through an informed populace." (From Agora Financial's "Five Minute Forcast").

God created Civil Government as He did Marriage and His Church ... for the good welfare, safety and preservation of the human race not to be in bondage to any of the three. He is our Lord. Satan has corrupted and perverted all three to a great extent. RB

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools."  Boasting of one's wisdom, proves the absence of it. Boasting of physical traits reveals spiritual deformity. Boasting of material wealth exposes moral poverty. Spirituality without humility is a contradiction. Where there is no humility .... there is no spirituality. Where Jesus IS, vain pride and boasting ARE NOT. The lack of true integrity, honesty, purity and justice in Hollywood, Las Vegas and in Government is the absence of Christlike reverence of Jehovah God and the humility which always accompanies it.

Pass  it on. RB

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