May 21, 2011

Don't Fret Over Future Evils ... Today's Evils Are Sufficient

Common Sense Commentary: "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. SUFFICIENT  unto the day is the evil thereof." Mt.6:34. There is enough evil and stress in the world and our nation and communities to keep us fretting all day and half the night. So be informed and prepared for the future ...but don't add to this day's "fretting burden" by worrying about the future .... unless you are not a Christian.
"Sufficient" means "enough is enough".  So put your worries of the morrow in an
envelope and mail it to yourself ... at the wrong address.

"Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."  Lets take a look at one of my main frets today ... right now: 

We Americans have slowly evolved from unique individuality and personal responsibility into a whole different personality.  Our national character has homogenized into conformity.  Our dumb driver has  shifted from drive into neutral.   He sits there, behind the wheel of this US Bus,  still pressing the gas petal and revving up the national engine even though we aren't going anywhere ... but backward down Half-wit Hill.  Taking his eyes off the road ahead and looking back past us at the road behind, he calmly assures us,  "We aren't going backward down this hill folks cause I am floorboarding the accelerator."  So we look at each other  and laughingly say, "It sure feels like we are .... look at all those  those houses going the wrong way."  Our tour leader, making eyes at the driver, says, "Its just an optical delusion. I know this professional driver very well ... he's my live in ... uh, friend.  He knows what he is doing and would not deceive you  for the world." "Yeah, just trust me." Surely someone will stand up and scream "Hit the brake you idiot or I'll hit you with my cane."

We are like the fearful subjects of the King who had no clothes on. They were so brain-washed or intimidated that nobody believed their lying eyes. There are still a few Americans who would stand  and yell "FIRE" in a crowded theatre if they smelled smoke, heard crackling and saw the flames .... no matter who wanted to see the rest of the show.

We overlook things that once repulsed our conscience.  What was once unthinkable is now standard procedure.  Churches which, not long ago, stood solidly on the Word of God are now social clubs and unoffensive even to the Devil.   Our Nation is in desperate need of some Patrick Henrys who sounded the alarm of an invading enemy and said openly and loudly, "Give me liberty or death."   Our churches are in even more desperate need of some Apostle Paul types who, when he was stoned into unconsciousness and left for dead, awoke, shook off the dust and dizzieness and went back into the same city and finished his "Jesus" sermon to his unsaved  persecutors.

Our national language, Spanglish, now contains "neutral, unoffensive, nonpartisan, unbiased, mediocre, nothingness words like "Conventional wisdom" instead of "Personal Opinion", "Public Policy" instead of "Constitutional Imperative", "Political
Correctness" instead of "truth".   The alcoholic has an "illness". The drug abuser is a "victim" of drug abuse.   A broken home, after six children and 20 years, "just didn't work out." The political liar ... "miss-spoke". 

My friends, it's time we all take inventory of exactly what we stand for ... if anything.
What do we really believe in .... God, Jesus, Heaven, Hell or what ? Do we believe in the Bible, our Constitution and Bill of Rights and do we believe they are worth dying for .... or not really?   Try this: Go in and lie on your couch and ask yourself these penetrating questions.  Psycho-analyze yourself.  Who and what are you?
If you are  a Christian .... or a parent .... or a patriot ... show it, say it, do it. Be vocal !
Speak out! Take a stand for what you know that you know is right and true.
"Wherefore, take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  STAND therefore,
having your loins girt about with TRUTH, and having on the breastplate of righteousness."  Eph.6:13-14.  That is the answer to my original question ...
which was King David's question, "If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?"   Only by "standing" for Christ, His Word, truth, can we hope our lives will count  "in the evil day"  and will influence others for
 Christ.  "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friends."  Prov.27:17.

Pass it on. RB

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