Jul 23, 2011

Illogical Logic Of Liberals

Common Sense Commentary:

"Multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Decision...." Joel 3:14.

"Come now and let us reason together ...." Isa.1:18

"The vile person shall no more be called liberal...." Isa.32:5

Find yourself in these five different situations:

1.  Your beloved family dog jumps out of your boat and is drowning.  Your loud mouthed, ACLU neighbor is laughing so hard, he falls out of his boat, can't swim and is waving his hand trying to get your attention. Which one do you rescue?  Liberal Answer = "My sweet little poodle, Poodie, is Homo Sapienish too." 
Conservative Answer = "Dogs can't be 'Homo' Stupid.  I would wave back at old Loud Mouth, pull my pooch from the lake and check on Loud Mouth.  If he is still waving, I would wave back again .... and head for home."

2.  You have a flight reservation.  The flight is over booked.  There are two passengers without a seat; one is a very pregnant young woman with a babe in arms and the other is Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.  To which do you give your seat?  Liberal Answer = "Women finally have their Civil Rights and are now Equal with any man ... so they can both wait for the next plane as well as I could.  Besides, I have an important date with another delicious, cross dressing Lesbian in San Francisco.  Congressperson Pelose won't mind; she loves, hee hee, us Gay Priders.
Conservative Answer = "Give the seat to that poor little mother, of course.  Anyway, I've got a lot of reading to catch up on and besides, I've been wanting to ask
Congresshuman Pelosi how she got to be such a spoiled, prima donna nut job and why she isn't flying her 757 back to Frisco today.  I think God arraigned this opportunity.

3.  The homes of two very different acquaintances, of yours, are on fire, on your street.  One is a cussing, belligerent, Union Boss and the other is one of those pesky Bible Believing  Christians who is always trying to get you to go to his church and giving you literature.   To which do you go with your large, commercial, fire extinguisher?   Liberal Answer = "What did that Jesus Freak ever do for me? I would help the Union Guy.  He thinks like I do.
Conservative Answer = " I would go to the fire that was threatening other homes ... especially if it was mine."

4.  You are late for another flight but nature is also urgently calling ... now screaming threateningly, "NOW"!!!  Do you keep running for your plane  or stop at the restroom ?  Liberal Answer = "I can go on the plane, I can go on the plane."  Twenty minutes later, the plane is  taxieing down the runway.  He IS on the plane and he does go on the plane... seat belt buckled and the stewardess holding him down with one hand and her nose with the other.  He is screaming at her, "This is all your fault, I'm going to sue, I have my rights, I have friends in the White House, you haven't heard the last of me you slut gut *&%$#@.
Conservative Answer = "First, obey Mother Nature.  Then book the next flight, call my sweetie, have a nice relaxing meal, and catch up on my computer work.  A very productive day.

 5.  You are a U.S. Senator and you must decide between two decisions to balance the National Budget.
(a).  Raise the taxes of productive, job creating businesses which are struggling to survive and which already pay 80% of all tax revenues but pass the cost on to their customers ...you and me.   (b).  Cut wasteful Government spending and  unnecessary Government jobs.  Liberal Answer = Raise taxes on those greedy businesses and churches to where they pay their fair share.  Just don't start taxing me.
Conservative Answer = "Cut the billions and trillions in waste and unnecessary expenditures. Cut all pork out of every bill, stop Congressmen from financing pet projects, stop cheating recipients of welfare and foodstamps, eliminate the tens of thousands of unnecessary federal jobs, reduce the pay-scale on all Government jobs to the same level as equivalent jobs in the public sector, stop sending foreign aid to any country especially our enemies like Egypt, the Saudies and Pakistan.  bring all our troops home except where there is a direct threat to our own nation.  Half of the adults in this country pay no income tax.  Tax every dollar earned at ten percent. Tax $1.00 = 10 cents, $100  = $10. Tax $1000 = $100. Tax $100,000 = $10,000.  That is called a tithe.  If its good enough for God, its good enough for our government.

So... are you Conservative, Liberal, or angry?

Pass it on. RB

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