Sep 29, 2011

Who Is Christ? What Is His Name?

Common Sense Commentary: Before you read this, first read my previous blog, "Who Is God? What Is His Name?"  YHWH or YHVH is the Hebrew word translated LORD, GOD, or JEHOVAH (all caps) over 7000 times in the O.T.  The first mention of YHWH is as the "LORD" of creation in Gen.2:4"...The LORD God made the earth and the heavens."    YHWH is repeated 10 times in that chapter and 9 times in the next, ch.3.  We explained in the previous blog that YHWH is God the Father's name.  With the Two vowels added it is YAHWAH , or JEHOVAH in English, and means, "The Eternal Existing One".  It was this name God was expressing in a pronoun/verb form, to Moses in the first person, singular, when He said, "Tell them I AM hath sent you."  ... The Existing One.

JEHOVAH God spoke through His O.T. prophets many prophecies of His Son Jesus Christ (in Gk.) / Messiah (in Heb.) meaning "Anointed".  Isaiah prophesied of His birth, "The Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." Which means, "God With Us."  Isa.7:14.   742 years later, this prophecy was fulfilled in Matt.1:20-23 when God told Joseph, "That which is conceived in (Mary) is of the Holy Ghost ... She shall bring forth a son ... call his name Jesus (which means Saviour) for he shall save his people from their sins.  Now all this was done, that ... (Isaiah's prophecy) might be fulfilled ... " Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."  It could not be clearer that Jesus (Saviour) Christ (Messiah) was God in the flesh.  John 1:1-14, in God's own words, through John, makes it abundantly clear, "In the beginning was the Word (capital W =proper name) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God ... All things were made by him ... In him is life ... He was in the world, and the world was made by him but the world knew him not.  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten (Son) of the Father, full of grace and truth... John (the Baptist) bare witness of him...."  Now who could that be?  Only Jesus. Jesus is the WORD of God. In Genesis when YHVH (JEHOVAH) God spoke the word, "Let there be ..."  Jesus, as the WORD of God went forth and fulfilled God's command. "All things were made by him."

Notice how both God the Father and God the Son are "The Eternal Existing One" as the great I AM... "Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you,  Before  Abraham was, I AM." Jn.8:15... Amazing verse.   Jesus said it many different ways, "I am the bread of life..." Jn.6:8.  "I am the light of the world..." Jn.8:12.  "I am from above... I am not of this world ..." Jn.8:23.  "I am the good shepherd..." Jn.10:11.  "I am the true vine..."Jn.15:1.

"Philip said unto him (Jesus) show us the Father, and..." we will be satisfied. "Jesus said unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?  He that hath seen me hath seen the Father ..." Jn.14:8-9.

Jesus was God reaching down, in a fleshly form, to a sinful world, to sacrifice his body on the altar of the cross for our sins.  A physical body was required to do the dying, for God cannot die.  But He resurrected it a glorified body, after three days even as He shall resurrect us in a glorified, perfect body. "When we shall see him, we shall be like him ...." 1Jn.3:2

Pass it on.RB

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