Nov 19, 2011

Normalcy Bias #2 "Blind In Mind"

Common Sense Commentary: "All things continue as they were from the beginning...."2P.3:4

One of the most notable cases of "Normalcy Bias" or "Blind In Mind" was in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. By 1935 all the perceptive, realistic Jews had fled Germany.  Approximately 100,000 of them had seen the "writing on the walls", sold out at a loss and got out of the only home they had ever known.  Jews had lived there for hundreds of years. Strangely, four or five times that many thought Hitler's hatred of them would pass so they stayed in Germany, thinking those who had fled were just exaggerating the danger. "We have always been safe here ... this is our home ... nothing will happen to us." Many who stayed were highly intelligent, educated and successful.  it wasn't long til they couldn't get out any longer. Their peace and safety became persecution, confiscation and death camps.  Before it was over, seven million of them had been burned or worked to death in the concentration camps.  Their last thoughts were probably, "I should have listened to those who left."  Normalcy Bias had kept them there and sealed their doom.  Some 100,000 saw it coming, saw the clear signs and left behind everything they couldn't sell and built new lives all over the world.  the other 450,000, in Germany, and millions of other Jews in Europe, stayed and lost everything including their lives. They saw and heard the same Nazi facts and signs as those who left but were "Blind in Mind". Normalcy Bias. "They...... seeing ... see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand." Matt.13:13.

Normalcy Bias dates back to the time of Noah's flood.   In 2P.2:5, we are told of Noah who was a "preacher of righteousness" warning the people of their need for repentance and being "right" with God.  At the same time he was building this gigantic ark or enclosed boat.  You could see it for miles. Everybody must have been talking about it and how crazy Noah was.  They not only had never seen a flood, it had never even rained at that time. God watered the ground with heavy dew and water from beneath the ground.  A flood had never happened and therefore would not and could not happen ....but, they were wrong.  Normalcy Bias. Blind in mind.

Normalcy Bias was prophesied by the Apostles as a spiritual blindness during the last days, just before the return of Christ to earth. "There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep (died) all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of,
that, by the Word of God (there was a flood in Noah's day) Whereby the world that then was, being
overflowed with water perished. But the heavens and earth, which are now, by the same Word, are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgement.... of ungodly men." 2P.3:3-7. Friend,
don't think it can't happen even though it has never happened before.  Normalcy Bias cost those in Noah's day their lives.  It cost those seven million Jews everything, family, friends, property, lives.

See the signs of his coming in Matt.24. Here are some or them": False Christs, wars and rumors of wars, political and internal strife, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, persecution of Christians, offences, betrayals, hatred, false prophets, rampant sin, cold and loveless hearts, and this one which began to be fulfilled when the Muslim's occupied a Catholic church built on the ruins of the Temple Mount where the Jew's Temple with the holy of holies had been.  The Muslims put the gold plated dome on it and called it  El-Aqsa Mosque.  That was in 711 AD eighty years after the death of Mohammad. It is second only to Mecca to all Islam. The prophecy of that is Matt.24:15. "When ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet,  standing in the holy place ...."  "The holy place" was where God dwelt among his people in the holy of holies.  The day will come when the Antichrist will occupy and rule from that site.  It is hard to make a case for his exact nationality or religion except that he will unify all religions and make treaties with them which he will violate in the midst of the tribulation after three and a half years.  It seems logical to me that he may be Muslim or Arab with no real religion, but that is my opinion.  He could even be the head of some other world religion  or the chosen world leader who embraces all religions. Time will tell. But be careful of "Normalcy Bias".  It will happen but many terrible things will lead up to it and seem now to be beginning.

Pass it on.RB

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