Dec 22, 2011

Easy To Please Old Marine Lookin....

Common Sense Commentary: Is "nation"divorce an option or is it "til death do us part"?

Dear Friend,
At 81, I have seen everything from the southwestern dust bowl and great depression of the 1930's to
World War II, several other wars and fought in one, saw the first Atomic bomb, first television, visited most nations on earth, lived out in 115 degree and minus -30 degree temps, flood, tornado, and hurricane.  I have 6 children and 65 or 66 grand and great grands and miraculously ... one wife and never broke either of my little fingers in the process.  But I've never seen, been told, read in history or had a nightmare compared to the world situation today.  It makes an old man's head spin around like a top.  Its downright unbelievable confusin.  I've always been a faithful flag-wavin patriot and love my America still, but she's startin to smell like an unfaithful wife comin in at 4:00 AM with whiskey on her breath and whisker burns on her cheeks.  I still love her but she ain't gittin any sweeter only meaner.  That makes a man feel like movin out cause SHE don't love ME anymore.  I must confess ... my rovin eye has been rovin ... lookin at other beauties like ... Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, Dominica and even old Nicaragua ... down the street.  My sweet America must be goin through the change of life or maybe demon possession.  I mean, I saw her the other night with that Trojan Donkey in D.C.  So, bottom line, I'm lookin for a new place to jump.   My classified ad sums it up this away: "Easy to please old Marine, Bible believin, Texas preacher looking to buy a ranch of good farm land in a green valley on a high mountain in the desert overlooking the ocean on one side and a rain forest on the other, near a major hospital ... in Texas, South America."  I'm just waitin by the phone.  Your Friend, Rayburn

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