Feb 11, 2012

Magic...Now It Is... Now It Ain't Good For You

Common Sense Commentary:"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." Isa.5:20.  This verse doesn't apply here but its the closest I could get.

The headline I just read said:
Coconut Oil Now Touted as Alzheimer's Remedy

Now they tell me!!!
So much of what is good for our health was once thought to be bad
and much of what was thought to be bad is now .......... good for us.
With high cholesterol, I was warned, after heart bypass surgery, to
avoid eggs, butter and coconut oil.... Now its all good for me... So now,
after 20 years avoiding that good stuff, I will probably die of Alzheimers,
malnourishment or excessive lettuce, soy, yogurt and aspartame poisoning.
I can't even remember which is good or bad cholesterol for 3 seconds.
I knew an old guy who died, the doctor said, of drinking and smoking,
at 98. He previously had succeeded a series of teetotaler wives.
Life does get complicated but fortunately there are millions of such
wives who out-live their husbands. "Fortunately"??? Sorry guys. RB
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