Feb 1, 2012

Newt Should Be Thankful !

Common Sense Commentary: "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick..." Pr.13:12
But winning, often destines the winner to a fate far worse than losing....

Mitt Romney's millions may have just bought him, as old timers observed, "a pig in a poke" or at least, "a sow's ear in a silk purse". Newt Gingrich may have just dodged the bullet and missed the fiery furnace.  He could have actually won by losing ... Time will tell.  In Ron Paul's case, I don't think he really wants the job but is trying to stop the insane race to the bottom in Washington.  Santorum may be the one who gets the Republican nomination as a "compromise" candidate.  I don't think Newt's supporters will ever switch to Romney after the barrage of defamation artillery he has thrown at Newt.  And Ron Paul's supporters certainly won't either unless they can write Romney's platform on most issues and maybe not even then.  Neither do I believe either Paul or Newt will accept a vice-presidential offer.  Santorum probably would, but Newt and Paul supporters will see Romney as not much better than Obama.  The first is a strategic liar and the latter a habitual liar.  So without Newt's and Paul's voters, Romney can't win against Obama's solid brick wall of blind, deaf and truly dumb Obama supporters.

All of this adds up to the probable bottom line ....(1) Nobody but God can pay off the Federal debt and I doubt the FED will let it go into a default.  (2) So they will just keep on with the "digital" printing of trillions of dollars and drive up inflation so they can pay off good dollars with bad and "appear" to be worthy of re-election. (3) Most Americans cannot comprehend why their salaries won't cover their expenses any more.
Most simply blame those "greedy crooks" who own the grocery stores and gas pumps.
The fact is, increased prices are not being caused by greedy profits but by a weakening buying power of our dollars (inflation) caused by all that new money being printed.

This brings me to my conclusion.  Whoever is elected our next President will be voted out of office, with his party, after one term and the opposition party which follows will also last just one term as well.  The reason?  Neither party and no President can solve the mammoth difficulties coming to this nation and the world because of  the insane spending of money we do not have.  It was borrowed in the trillions  and cannot be repaid, in sound money, nor can anyone stop the fall-out of it in one or two terms in office. That is why I say, "Newt should be thankful" if he is not nominated.  He would get the blame when an impossible task ... is not accomplished.

Pass it on. RB

1 comment:

  1. If a Republican wins the next Presidential election, the first act of business should be to apply for a new name. I'd suggest "Herbert Hoover".


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