Feb 3, 2012

True Words Out Of The Devil's Mouth

Common Sense Commentary: Jesus encountered demons possessing people through whom they spoke and said things like, "What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God"  and, "I know who thou art, the Holy One of God". Mt.8:29, Mk.1:23-25, Lk. 4:34-35.  The Apostle Paul also dealt with a demon who cried out to the people through a young woman, "These men are the servants of the most high God which show unto us the way of salvation." Acts 16:16-18.  It is not uncommon for Satan to speak an isolated truth in order to open people's hearts to hear his volume of lies.

Yesterday, 2/2/2012, Thane Rosenbaum interviewed Bill Clinton's Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, who also worked for Obama until a few months ago and is a Keynesian Economist. The interview took place at the 92nd Street Y in New York. When asked about re-establishing a gold standard again to back our currency and stabilize our economy, Summers recoiled and shrieked, "A gold standard is the creationism of economics!"

Strangely, Summers is exactly right.  A gold standard, which stops spendthrift politicians from recklessly spending money we do not now have backed by gold and silver, is indeed similar, in Keynesian terms, to what Evolution is to Christian Doctrine. As evolution is heresy,  and Creationism is truth, to the Christian; a gold standard (honest money backed by gold and silver) is heresy, and Keynesian economics is truth, to the Keynesians.  They invented the phrase, "Gold is an outdated relic" and convinced Nixon of their economic heresy, who took us off the gold standard and the unbrideled printing of more and more dollars by both parties continues to this day.  Herein lies the root of most of our national economic problems.

Honest money, weights and measures in Bible days (a gold standard in today's terms), is explicit and demanded in Scripture whereas unstable, depreciating currency and inflation are an "abomination" in God's Word.   Prov.20:10 &23, Lev.19:36, Prov.25:13, Mic.6:11

Larry Summers' exclamation demeaning the gold standard and Creationism, tells me several things about him". (1) As a Keynesian, he hates the debt limiting gold standard
which Keynesians successfully did away with in the 1970s here in the U.S and around the world.   (2) He hates Creationism which puts him in the evolutionary camp, and which denies the Bible record and thereby eliminates him as a Christian and probably  means he is an atheist.   (3) His highly emotional reaction to a "gold standard", equating it with creationism, reveals their opposites to be his true religion... unsound paper money with no intrinsic value backing it and Evolution which also is unsound and of no value.  It is "the love of money" that is "the root of all evil" not money itself. 1 Tim.6:10.  And what we love .... we serve.

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