Feb 15, 2012

What Caused The Fall Of Whitney Houston & Rome

Common Sense Commentary: Yes, mustard seed faith will move mountains ... but, mustard seed sin, without forgiveness, will father a forest of evil.

Sacrificing principle to satisfy the demands of lust, addiction, fear, friends or a depraved government, is like sowing evil seed because it is creeper or the easy way right now, but without considering the crop of thorny, poisonous vines which will spring up in our lives and and take control of our soul later.

Weak character will always take the easy, convenient way today, which simply breeds still weaker character and a harvest of failure, regret and self loathing slavery later.

Some seed sown take months or years to germinate and produce a progeny of its own kind; but be sure the seed will come up with multiples of itself flourishing and choking the life out of all else, to control and subjugate our will to itself.

However unimportant and small, an immoral compromise or decision may seem, it will spawn much larger consequences in time. "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." Gal.5:9.  Like a contagious virus or germ, so small it is invisible to the eye, spreads and has the power to blind, sicken or kill its host and become a plague which may sweep across a continent and even the whole world, and yet is invisibly tiny.  Sin is contagious and terminal without God's remedy, The Great Physician, Jesus Christ.

The fall of all world Empires and addicts began in a small, seemingly unimportant digressions from truth, wisdom, reason and right.  Tiny seed which, when sown, grew slowly into final, all consuming ruin and rotted them to their foundations. Every villain, addict and serial killer had a first time which made the second easier and the third a habit. If a person never takes the first drink, joint, hit or taste of fantasy, they will never be addicted to it.

What happened to Whitney Houston and Rome has happened to every person and every empire which lightly esteemed truth, wisdom, reason and right.  What happened to Whitney Houston with her beauty, wealth, fame and talent, and to Rome in all its glory and power is also happening to millions of Americans and to America itself.

You see, Satan is the "ruler of the darkness of this world" ... of sin, failure, regret and self loathing slavery, but God is the Father of light, truth, wisdom, reason and right.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these these things shall be added unto you."  Matt.6:33.

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