Mar 17, 2012

Evil Miracles And Spiritual Wickedness

Common Sense Commentary: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph.6:12.

There is a strange, demonic, underlying power hanging, like a greasy, dark fog, over our nation during the last few years. Totally impossible things are happening which exude an evil energy which ordinary human beings are not capable of.  The best I can describe what is happening is as ...  "Evil Miracles" ... Satanic Power.  We have witnessed a long series of evil phenomena, storms, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, catastrophes, plus political, religious, and corporate corruption.....Out of the ordinary things have befallen our country like a storm of tidal waves bashing our U.S. shores. All of this seems set by a leadership standard of  "spiritual wickedness in high places"

These complex assaults, too numerous to mention, are also too obvious to deny. It reminds me of the Biblical experience of God's people down in Pharaoh's Egypt.
Ex.3 thru 11. God raised up Moses in Pharaoh's palace and prepared him to lead his people out of their bondage there.  At a precise moment in  history's time, Moses was sent by God to tell Pharaoh, "God said, Let my people go". Pharaoh was not used to anyone telling him what to do and refused and said, "...Who is the LORD, that I should obey His voice, to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go." Ex.5:2. Pharaoh Hardened his own heart. So God sent a miraculous sign by Moses and Aaron ... but Pharaoh's Magicians duplicated God's miracle with an even more impressive evil miracle. Pharaoh, unimpressed with Moses' God, hardened his heart still more. Time after time God sent miraculous disasters, and plagues of blood in the water, frogs, lice, flies, death of Egyptian farm animals, hail and flood.  Each time Pharaoh's Magicians would duplicate God's miracles with evil miracles of their own ... only to compound the plagues and make them doubly bad. But they gave up on their evil miracles when God sent a more personal plague of skin disease and boils on them. They didn't want to duplicate that one and threw down their rods and quit the evil miracle business.  After each of God's miracles Pharaoh would beg Moses to ask God to please stop it and he would let God's people go.  But when God would withdraw the plague, Pharaoh would break his promise.  So God began hardening Pharaoh's heart even harder. Pharaoh had hardened his heart one too many times and he was now beyond repentance, and the Scripture says,  "God hardened Pharaoh's heart" so that he could not now repent again even if he wanted to. So God sent one final plague ... the firstborn child of every Egyptian family died. This time the Egyptian people were ready to pay God's people to leave ...and they did.  But even after the Egyptians and Pharaoh lost their eldest children and they had seen the power of Moses' God, Pharaoh reneged again and sent his army swooping down upon these escaped slaves, but they were, themselves, destroyed by God and the slaves were free.

The lesson we Christians should draw from this is that during all those plagues on the Egyptians, God delivered His people from the vile anger, hatred, plagues and evil miracles surrounding them and set them free to build their nation in the promised land.

So no matter how heavy our load  and how terrible the catastrophes which befall our country and the world, our God has not lost control.  Even if we have to face evil miracles, hatred, slavery to our government and our faith is stretched to the breaking point .... remember, "All things work together for good to them that love God ... who are called according to HIS purpose." Rom.8:28.  And, don't forget this key bit of information which should change our battle strategy.... Our enemy is not so much evil people but the power behind their evil deeds. We must fight spiritual wickedness with Spiritual weapons.... "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph.6:12.

Pass it on.  RB

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if God has allowed these things to take place in order to set the stage for His glorious return....It becomes harder and harder to hold on too faith. I have to remind.myself constantly that He has not left me.

    Thank you Pastor Blair.


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