May 25, 2012

Hope And Change Really Work

Common Sense Commentary:

God does not violate His own rules.  If your hope" is not in Christ and your "change" is not in becoming a "new creature (creation)" in Him, all other "hope" and "change" is in vain... useless.... empty. "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; and behold, all things are become new." II Cor.5:17. Real change and real hope ... work.  False promises of them do not.

God, in His universe, has made these  inviolable rules  (holy laws) which He, Himself does not break.  Even as the Scripture says, "God cannot lie" Titus 1:2. He has a rule against it and cannot violate it. What can not God do?  He can not lie.  His rules have to do with many things:  Truth is always true ... forever.  Facts are indelible things, or they are not facts at all.  Right is always and eternally right.  Reality is what is ... really real.  Good is good and evil is evil, as measured with God's eternal determination of them as He has carved it upon the infinite wall of His law. Therefore, sowing and reaping are also as determinate as God's seasons and are found in every seed and cell, thought and action.  We are not saved by works, but "faith without works is dead". Jm.2:20.

If your income is consistently below your outgo, you will eventually bankrupt your little dream world ... It's called sowing and reaping. It's a law of God. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Gal.6:7.  It's a law of God ... every time.

If you buy your "dream home" with payments equaling most of your income, your dream was, in reality, a masquerading nightmare sowing seeds of debt, which you can never pay off.  There are no such short cuts to reality, facts and truth.  We must follow God's road of rules to true success in this life. You want to know how God deals with His people: look at how he dealt with Israel in the Bible. Stay out of the ditches on each side of the straight and narrow truth. Look at every opportunity through eyes of reality. "A dream cometh through a multitude of business..." not fantacy. Ecc.5:3. God believes in good "business" practices and balanced budgets ... He invented them for our benefit.... It is a law if violated or neglected will drag us into it's consequences.

When you live off of credit card debt and "hope" for a miracle to pay it, the only "change" you get will be a few pennies and years of poverty.  It is a rule of God.

He... or she ... who eats tons and exercises ounces, consistently, will not grow up but out ... laterally, enslaved like an addict, uncontrollably hooked to run away obesity.  We sow and reap the same thing.  It too is a law.

If you bath well every ten days, you won't smell well for nine.  We sow, we reap.

Yes, hope and change really work ... if the hope is in Christ and the change is in you and me.


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