May 17, 2012

It's The Brain Or Heart That Lies, Not The Eyes

Common Sense Commentary: Jesus asks "Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?"  Mark 8:18.

I have forgotten who said it, but years ago someone caught in the act, asked his wife, "Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?"

Inscribed and quoted Scripture references to "God" and "Providence" are written, engraved and recorded upon and within our U.S. and State Capitols, Monuments and founding documents, hundreds or thousands of times. That fact cannot be honestly denied.  To deny, debate or despise this clear and certain truth  .....that our country was founded by Christian believers, upon the principles of God's Word, is to lie to ones self and reject the obvious truth that Adams, Madison, Jefferson, Franklin Hamilton, Washington and the other founders, were  intelligent, logical, and true believers ... Not deluded, religious fanatics.... your only other option. "The truth shall make you free" ... but lies are chain links which bind and enslave the mind and soul.  True freedom derives from truth alone and is in Christ alone, who said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Jn.14:6. THE truth does not make us free to do wrong but sets us free to do right... in spite of ten thousand powerful opponents to THE truth.

A single lie is like, what we call in Texas, a "Dust Devil".  It's a very small tornado of hot wind and dust spinning like a whirl-wind across dry ground, blinding the eyes and getting in your ears, nose, hair and mouth ... making you feel dirty.... kinda like sin.  Often, a dust devil gets bigger and bigger and tears up things... like lies do.  A little lie can grow into a very large, destructive tornado.

Instead of gossiping about someone else's lies, think back about when your own lies spun out of control like a dust devil exploding into a powerful, destructive tornado which destroyed your peace of mind, kept you awake at night, drove a wedge between you and your spouse, disillusioned your children, relatives and friends.  Didn't that lie do you more damage, in the end, than anyone else?  If not .... it will, in the fullness of time.

Strange how a lie moves at the speed of light (telephone, satellite) but the truth seems to have no legs ... and crawls ever so slowly. As Mark Twain declared, "A lie will travel half-way around the world before the truth can get it's shoes on." RB

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