May 6, 2012

Massive IRS Fraud

Common Sense Commentary: "Judgement is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." Isa.59:14 

You won't believe this video. There are not enough outraged adjectives to describe how this kind of, now common, corruption angers me. I see my wonderful country sinking into the morass of lies and deception. And this example of IRS fraud is just one of dozens or hundreds of such Liberal violations of American Law. Our country is already bankrupt and living on Gov. Credit Cards and counterfeit currency, but few in Washington are doing anything about it. The time to save our homeland, with our freedoms, without violence in the streets, has past. If there is hope for a peaceful restoration of Constitutional Law, to preserve our freedoms, it is not in Politicians, new laws, taxation, Wall Street, Religion or a majority of voters, it is in our great God ... because it will take a huge miracle. But why should He intervene for us when we, as a nation, have turned our backs of Him? The present administration and it's supporters have done everything possible to insult God and destroy this country, which He established, and the Republicans have sat on their hands or actively co-operated with the hopeless hope and vile changes taking place.  Some of you voted for it .... and still defend it, and will vote for it again in November.  You may hope to get "your fair share" of the distribution of other people's wealth but I can tell you, before the next four years have passed, you will reap what you have sown in greed, envy and strife.
I predict riots, a crime wave, shortages and use of the military to control the revolt.

"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." Jms.4:17.  This Greek word, "good" incorporates each and all good, descent and Godly
things such as truth, love, honesty, humility, justice and personal responsibility. If it is not "good" it is evil. "Whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Rom.14:23.

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