May 2, 2012

Spiritual Wickedness In High Places: God's Remedy For America

Common Sense Commentary: When Jesus asked his Apostles who they thought He was, Peter answered for them all, "...Thou art the Christ (Messiah) the Son of the living God." Jesus responded, "Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matt.16:16-18.  Since "gates" are defensive devices, not offensive, they serve to lock opponents out and adherents in.  So, it is Christ's Church which is attacking, not the gates. They lock lost sinners in and righteousness out. So the Church is attacking the fortress of hell, the kingdom of Satan.  The question is, with what weapons?  Spiritual war cannot be fought with physical (carnal) weapons but with the spiritual weapons of Truth, God's Word, The Gospel of Christ and Prayer. "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds...." 2Cor.10:4.  In the verses above, it is clear that Christians, the Church, are actively, forcefully on the attack against "the gates of hell" and "strong holds". The Apostles fought this war every day, with spiritual weapons.  "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph.6:12.

That said, and considering the tsunami of irrational, illegitimate and unbiblical issues exploding upon our shores, as well as the implosion of darkness within the churches of America, it is obvious that only God can neutralize these evil miracles and "wickedness in high places".   I am not giving up the "good fight" (1Tim.6:12), but my only  effective weapon is "God's holy light" (Jn.8:12). By now, all my readers know we are dealing with demons which cannot be defeated with facts and reason.  So, I am adjusting my attacks upon "the gates of hell", against which Jesus said, "His church would prevail".

I no longer need to warn you of the multitude of perils which are undermining our country our freedoms and our faith.  it is all coming to the surface rapidly, and if you are not now convinced, you never will be.  Henceforth I shall march against the powers of darkness using the same tactics I have used for years concerning false churches and false doctrine.  Which is, preaching the single, true gospel, the truth of God's Holy Bible and the power of God's light, rather than "against" the 10,000 different varieties of evil darkness.  If I had gone that route, I wouldn't have had time left over to preach Jesus and no souls would have been saved, nor a church built, under such a message.

Satan may have our nation's neck and "headquarters" under his cruel, dirty fingers but he does not and cannot have our God in his evil grasp  (1Jn.4:4).  If we lose our Constitutional freedoms, we cannot lose our spiritual, eternal freedom in Christ. So, our battle, our weapons, and our message must be spiritual.  Jesus commissioned us, equiped us and despatched us, with an objective ... "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." Jn.12:32

Pass it on. RB

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