May 24, 2012

Where Are You ... In The Valley Of Decision?

Common Sense Commentary: "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." Joel 3:14

We human beings have a susceptibility to a huge flaw which is embedded in our ability to recognize reality.  We somehow drift off into a cloudy, ether world or smokey, nether world of seeing only the outward appearances, flesh and faults of people causes and events.  Even as Christians, who have the Holy Spirit living in us.  God sealed us with His Spirit and filled us with His presence that we might become Spiritually sensitive, aware of His truths and to "rightly dividing the word of truth".  2Tim.2:15.  The fact is, however, that most Christians seldom see beyond the surface of things  visible to our fleshly eyes. Spiritual perception looks beyond appearances ... to the truth in a thing.  Flesh is a slave to the preconceived, assumed, suspected, and preferred explanation.  Truth is cast aside in preference of "Commonly thought and Public opinion".  Dear Lord, is there no hope for this world?  But, yes, there is hope ... in the valley of decision ... if a person will simply, awaken enough to sincerely ask God, "Lord show me the truth" and then be ready and willing to hear it. If you ever plan to be saved, you had better decide for Christ NOW. If you are expecting to find the perfect church, preacher, "sign" or time, you will never be saved.... there are none.  Reality says that any and everything touched by human beings is flawed and imperfect to varying degrees.

Time is too short to waste it with inaction. If Christians are ever going to take a stand, speak out and take action, it must be NOW. Millions of believers have promised God and themselves that, "When a truly worthy cause comes my way, I will support it".... but such a cause never seems to be recognized as "truly worthy", to them, and action is never taken. They are in a trance, in the "valley of decision", gazing off into heaven, waiting their lives away for some miraculous, perfect, glorious cause that never arrives .... while reality and eternal causes pass them by into the yesterdays of opportunity ... indecisive. I am so thankful to see those few...... who see so many good causes and opportunities that they have to set some aside to get to the ones so urgent and earth changing that there is no time left for the lesser ones. The truth is, it is not a matter of finding a single worthy cause but finding time for the multitude of them flooding by every day. The first and foremost, of which, is the Cause Of Christ. RB

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