May 9, 2012

Why Aren't Any Gov. Agencies Investigating Obama?

Common Sense Commentary: "Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine." I Sam.17:32.

Democrats aren't touching the charges against the President with a ten foot pole, for obvious reasons.  They are walking through a graveyard, at midnight, hearing weird, scary sounds and are paralyzed with fear for their political offices and for their party.
The President (executive branch) controls all Fed. investigating agencies and has squelched  dozens of investigations already, so that answers part of the question.

Republicans are investigating the charges secretly, behind the scenes, using private agencies,  and are accumulating information for: (1) use at a strategic moment in the approaching political battle between the two parties, if they see they are losing, or, (2)
If they are far ahead in the polls, for use after the election, when it won't cause as much
civil strife, if any, to prosecute him.  Their strategy does not overlook the probability of rampaging violence from the President's Liberal and racial supporters if the charges arise before the elections. Besides, a great swell of right-wing demands for impeachment, before the elections, would so complicate matters, that who knows what might happen. A clear win in November would solve the problem.   Nation-wide civil strife, or likelihood of Civil War, prior to Nov.6, would give the President a good excuse for canceling or delaying the elections indefinitely, which, itself would cause a Civil War. Why do you think the Liberals don't want weapons in the possession of Conservatives?

The worst thing that could happen is, if a right or left wing assassin entered the mix 
before it can be settled at the ballot box in November.  A frustrated right-winger might do so out of fear of losing the country and freedom to Muslims or Communists. The left-wing might do so as a strategy to keep their party in power by removing their problem and blaming it on right wing fanatics in hopes of winning with a newly installed Biden.  Don't think it can't happen.  W.W. I was ignited  by an assassins bullet, as were several civil wars.  A right-wing assassin would be more likely but Communists of the past have been known to murder one of their own, very popular, national figures, after setting-up some innocent opposition group to take the blame. Their gain would be greater popular support from the masses and removal of a party member who might be a future threat. That is not out of the question here ... It has already been done in the U.S. several times in the past. Whether done by right or left wing, it would be the ignition spark to set off a terrible class war which could only end in the destruction of what good is left in our country.   As it is, we will never recover as the world's leader anyway.  If you think I am too negative or unrealistic or crazy, it is you who are a dreamer, a political pawn, or a Liberal.  Whatever else I may be, I am a pragmatic, analytical realist, a Constitutionalist and a Christian, in reverse order.  If I were in critical need of a heart transplant, and sure of it, I would have one question of the doctor ... "Can you do it now?"

The best strategy for political Independents, like me, is to forget party lines, work and vote for what is right and best for America, not parties, politics, special interests, Wall Street,  Daddy, Momma, minorities or majorities.  "What is my political pedigree?"  I am minus 30% Republican, minus 70% Democrat and 100% plus 100% Independent and politically incorrect ... as you can tell. RB

 "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God."  Romans 14:12

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