Jul 19, 2012

California Welfare Is On Vacation, Where Are You?

Common Sense Commentary: From the left coast land of "Let's pretend" to be fruits and nuts, the home of terminal fantasy, fresh grown hocus pocus, and "Don't worry, be happy celebrities like Charlie Manson and his band, Michell Jackson and ten thousand other glittering Hollywood Stars.... escapes a bit of Common Sense... like my blog. RB

The California Liberal Legislature is suddenly in a dither, running   in circles with calculators, cell phones, i-pads, and arm loads of other home grown hi-tech, cussin the devil, who made them do it, and trying to figure out if they were drugged or asleep when the votes were taken.  "Who did this too us" the Speaker shouts.  Where is that
twenty big, big, big, big ones, that $20,000,000,000 spelled BILLION DOLLARS we are in debt ... and can't pay, beg, borrow or steal ?  Barrack has let us down. Bernanke could print it up in seconds.  Save us Congressperson Pelosi, you are one of us. Send the Terminator to bring home all our thousands of  vacationing California welfare recipients.  Bring them here, to the capital.  Grab their ankles, hold them high and shake out all those Vegas coins, Hawaii sand, and left over welfare checks before they can get to their yachts and escape to Monti Carlo. RB

 Here is the evidence.... How it happened.


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