Jul 1, 2012

Infinite: Space, Time And Deity

Common Sense Commentary:

There are few things which fit and fill the limitless term, infinite. One is space: Another is time: A third is Deity. These three occupy infinity for eternity. Jehovah God is omni-everything holy.

God is omnipotent in His limitless power to be, to create and to sustain. His power neither increases nor decreases. He IS... ALL power, all the time, everywhere ... for eternity ... omnificent.

God is omniscient in His limitless and absolute knowledge of everything, in minute detail, past, present and future. He never learns anything. He has always known it all and always will know it all. He IS ... ALL knowing.

God is also omnipresent . He is everywhere in the entire universe ... all of the time ... ubiquitous in His holy nature. The Psalmist, David, exclaimed, "If I ascent up into heaven, thou are there: if I make my bed in hell, behold thou art there." Psm.139:8.

God is the infinite deity which fills all of infinite space all of the time, at the same time... here, there, and everywhere for all of infinite time, past, present and future in all infinite space.

God had no beginning. Gen.1:1..."In the beginning God...." He was already there "in the beginning", before earth's creation, occupying all of space and all of time. The Gen.1 "creation" of "recreation", included only earth, it's contents, it's atmosphere (first heaven), it's light and Adam and Eve ... not the entire universe. He had always existed in universal space and universal time.

God expressed His eternal, infinite existence in Rev.1:4,8,11 "... Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come.... I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last ...."

The great I AM, Eternal Existing One, Creator, whose name is YHVH, is the everywhere present (space) and forever present (time) LORD God of the universe ... but He is also the personal, loving Savior of each individual Christian. He is reaching out to you too. Accept Him now. RB

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