Jul 17, 2012

Key To Spiritual Illumination And Growth

Common Sense Commentary:

First, lets look at the lock.  It is huge, strong and humanly impossible to open.  it is human ignorance of the divine, holy truths of God.  It has a very small, narrow key-hole which looks insignificant to human eyes.  Men try to force the lock open with intelligence, money and craft but the lock of ignorance is unyielding to human effort. The lock is not God's lock but the zoo keeper's.  the key is God's, but hangs there on the gate of ignorance readily available to the captives of error, ignorance and denial. 

This small, golden key opens the door between restraint and freedom, between imprisonment and the limitless universe.  This precious little key releases the human spirit, mind and soul to an enormous universe of reality's knowledge and content...It is TRUTH. "The truth shall make you free", Jesus said. Jn.8:32.  No man has all truth or all knowledge, but God gives this sacred key to the hand of FAITH of all who will see it and accept it.  Eph.2:8  "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."  Without this Bible based faith, nothing else counts. "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe...." Heb.11:6.  The Middle English word, "trouthe" meant steadfastly faithful.  The universal truths of God sprang from His steadfast faithfulness.  So, what is faith ?  According to Heb.11:1 it is "substance and evidence" of the truths of God.  In a word, it is REALITY of "things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen". 

Faith is like a multi-faceted prism, in true believers, sparkling with light and life, reflecting the faithfulness of God in very small flashes... as compared to it's source ... the magnificent Sunlight in heaven. Those small flashes of  faith and truth are more powerful than all other worldly glimmers of knowledge combined.

Jesus said that, "FAITH" as small as a mustard seed could move mountains. And so it is when Christians believe the promises of God's word ... anchored in His steadfast faithfulness.  "Faith cometh by hearing ... the word of God." Rom.10:17.

Christian faith is demonstrated when the light of God shines through the human prism and beams a sparkle of affection, humility, loyalty, unswerving adherence, and imperviousness to contradicting influence. Affection for God's truths, humility in their use, loyalty to Him who said, "I am the truth", unswerving adherence to those truths in the face of evil attacks and "science, falsely so called." 1Tim.6:20.

True scientific, moral and spiritual grown are impossible without an absolute, commitment to truth as reality and reality's God knows it. Many sincere, honest scientists have found God while seeking truth.

In order for that to be our highest goal and pursuit in life, we must yield our will, our opinions and understanding, in humility, before God and men. There is no spirituality without humility.  We must be ready to adjust our understanding in the face of facts of reality and truth which contradict what we had believed was true but was not.  We must quickly, faithfully abandon error in our thinking when greater truth is revealed to us.  We must be committed by life and death to God's truth ... but tolerate not the smallest fragment of error, within ourselves, concerning the things of God.  Apologize easily, admit error, purge it out and continue on a better, straighter path... "bearing precious seed" of truth.... faithfully. RB

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