Jul 26, 2012

Power And Purpose Of Prayer Kept In Golden Bowls

Common Sense Commentary:

At the ending of the Old Testament Dispensation and the beginning of the New Testament, Zacharias, the priestly father of John the Baptist, was standing at the altar of God, offering incense with his and God's people's prayersLuke 1:9-10 "According to the custom of the priest's office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord. And the whole multitude of the people were praying (outside) at the time of incense."  This was an occasion which had been observed by the Jews for nearly 1500 years, since it's inception by the Lord, through Moses, in Leviticus.  The word "incense" here, is the Greek word "thumiama", and means the sweet smell of burning incense ... as our prayers are unto God.  As the smoke of the incense went up, the prayers of God's people went up with it ... "For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ ...(unto the world)." 2Cor.2:15.

At the same time Priest Zacharias offered incense and God's people prayed, inside the Temple, in the Holy of Holies, at it's center, standing before the Mercy Seat (Throne) of God, were Holy instruments (Heb. 9:1-4).  Among these was a "golden censor". Since the Shekinah Glory of God Himself was upon that throne, I believe the prayers of God's People were received and reserved in that "golden censor".  Don't ask me how, but we can do the same thing with recorders, CD's, TV, and computers. Surely God has a better way. 

The next time we see that golden censor of prayers is long afterward.  The Old Testament prophets and priests have passed and the New Testament church age has passed also, into God's record books of history.  The scene is now after the rapture of Christ's Bride, the true church (assembly) of God's people (Rev.4).  The Tribulation has begun on earth and the Great Tribulation is about to begin.  In Heaven, the book of seven seals is about to be opened by Jesus Christ (Rev.5:1-7).  Then, in Rev.5:8 "And
when he had taken the book, the four beasts (c.f. V.13) `and twenty four elders (12+12= O.T.&N.T. Saints) fell down before the Lamb, having everyone of them harps, and golden vials (Gk. bowls) full of odours (Gk. incense)  which are the prayers of saints."  In this "Revelation of Jesus Christ", it becomes clear that all of the prayers of all true saints (Gk. set apart), of God, have been received and reserved in the very presence of God, from the first saint to the last, for a two fold purpose.  First, those prayers, of God's people (saints), fulfilled the first, and original purpose, in that saint's own life, and in the lives of those they prayed for, generation after generation until the rapture.  Second, those same prayers, prayed in great need, suffering, pain and persecution, as well as prayers for deliverance of themselves, friends, family and children from sin ... had a second purpose.  Under the seventh seal in Rev.8:1-5, we find those prayers still alive and active.  "And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.  And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices (the prayers?) and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake."  This was immediately followed by the sounding of the seven trumpets pouring out seven shock waves of Great Tribulation upon the Antichrist and people remaining on earth.  This last 3 1/2 years of the 7 year Tribulation period is known as the Great Tribulation and is immediately followed by the Millennial Kingdom of Christ and His Saints.

In this study, there are these key words in Greek and English:
(1) Thumiama = incense/odour. Our word incensed (angry) derives from this and means "to burn".  (2) Thumiaterion = censor ... a fire-pan or bowl. (3) Thusiasterion= altar... place for burning sacrifices.  (4) Thumomacheo = Highly displeased, a hostile mind intending war with.  (5) Thumos = wrath.

My motivation for this Blog post was inspired, on different occasions, by my friends, Jim Hoch and Elaine Merritt.  His story, on this subject, was in my last blog post before this one and her poem came in an email which I could not transfer here, to share with you. It had to do with this same subject. Thank you both. RB


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