Jul 12, 2012

Quantitative Easing=Perfidious Perversion of Perception unto Perdition

Common Sense Commentary: What you sow in handfuls today, you reap in truck-loads later... whether good seed or bad. It is God's unchangeable law of sowing and reaping. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man, (state or nation) soweth, that shall he also reap." Gal.6:7.

The factors of production ... Capital, Labour, Property and Free enterprise ... have been perverted and destroyed by Government, Wall Street and big Banks.  Get This Straight: Prices are not going UP, the purchasing power of your hard earned dollars is going DOWN  due to the unrestrained, digital  printing of astronomical volumes of new dollars.

Our Official, Government Quislings, Intemperate Wall Street Gluttons, and One-world, Bankster Globalists have conspired to drain the world's wealth into their control ... "for our own good".... so they can redistribute it equally over the world ... except for their own greedy cut.  They will raise the standard of living in Africa, Asia and the Middle East and lower it in Europe, Australia and America.

Gold and silver are the only fiscal constants acting as a barometer to expose this Government induced criminal action.  Precious metals have always worked to effectively control Government spending until now,  when they manipulate it with tons of white "paper" silver and gold promises, sold into the market, to hold gold and silver  prices down, which creates the illusion that green paper currency is still worth something. When our dollars were backed up by gold and silver, the government could not print new currency without an equal amount of gold or silver in reserve to cover it.

Over the last twelve years, precious metals have increased, in dollar amounts required to purchase them, by several hundred percent.  From $250 to $1600 per oz. gold, and from $4 to $30 per oz. silver.  The price of everything, real, has climbed steeply in those twelve years, in dollars , but remain approximately the same in the gold or silver required to buy them.  (The housing market is a fluke of over production, which was in response to our Government's policy of giving loans out to unqualified, irresponsible, buyers regardless of their credit record or ability to repay those loans.)
Back to my subject, a $50 man's suit, back when, which cost 12 oz. of silver can still be bought for 12 oz. of silver, but the same suit would now cost $350 in paper dollars.

All of the above is approximation but the theory is correct.  Quantitative Easing is nothing more or less than living a multi trillion dollar life-style on a series of maxed out credit cards ... by our government.  There is just one outcome of that ... financial and moral ruin. Are we there yet?  Almost !  Our Government's ruined credit rating forbids any new credit cards so our only recourse is "Default" or faster printing of "Counterfeit Dollars". The latter will push default into the laps of our next crop of politicians and us tax paying citizens.

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