Jul 16, 2012

Slip Of The Tongue Can Be It's Only Truth For A Liar's Mouth

Common Sense Commentary: 
My Dear American Patriotic Survivors ...

No Christian has ever, by a slip of the tongue, said, "My Muslim faith"... as Hussein Obama claims to have done: As No Muslim has ever slipped and said, "My Christian Faith". It just is not done.
The only slip of the tongue in the link below is, Liberal Democrat, Maxine Waters slips, stumbles, and then blurts out the truth about the hidden Democrat agenda ... SOCIALISM of the worst kind. One which dictates government and all business, farming and industry which is "National Socialism". That is what the letters in NAZI stand for... National Socialist Party , in German. Add atheism and you have National Atheistic Socialism which is Communism. So who got us into this mess ? Not Waters or Obama but those who voted for them. May God have mercy on your souls, for what you have created, because there will be none, for any of us, under such a government. It will be NaziUSA or CommunistUSA. Lord deliver us. Rayburn


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