Jul 22, 2012

The United States Tissue Issue

Common Sense Commentary: 

All U.S. currency (green paper money) was backed by gold and silver ... until recent years.  Politicians, in their divine wisdom, decided that the law requiring that every paper dollar printed had to have an equal amount of gold or silver backing it, in reserve, was an "inconvenient truth". They were sure they could do a better job of their heavenly calling.... "redistributing the wealth", if they were not hindered by having to constantly dig up more gold and silver to deposit in reserve, before printing
more currency to spend on their "good causes" and fantasies.  So, in turn, they eliminated both gold and silver backing of our currency, and in it's place, put their "promise" to pay ... in Constitutional language ...."The full faith and credit of the United States Government". This then, gave them the unrestricted, blue sky, ability to print all the green paper money they could ever spend to pay for their long "wish list" like wars, foreign aid, a comfortable living for non-producers and non-workers, thousands more federal jobs, larger federal benefits for themselves and "other" starving, downtrodden masses here and abroad.  Plus, the American retirees and wage earners/tax payers would have a government promise instead of that worthless, antiquated relic, of gold and silver, backing their hard earned "filthy lucre", which they were so greedily determined to hold on to for the kid's college, bills, food and other selfish desires like retirement.

So, time moved on, and now that the U.S. green paper dollars are more numerous than equal sized squares of toilet tissue, which are far cheaper to produce but of about equal value, and easily carried on a belt roller, it is only "natural" to switch their "roles" in life... Conveniently banded dollar bills to the bathroom and nursery; and rolls of tissue to the bank, purse and pocket ... or belt roller.  This would solve many other problems as well. A bank roll, and rolling in the dough would be more accurately defined and understood under this concept; and no one on earth would be short of money to pay off their credit cards, education and home loans.  It's a win win plan.

I have no Scripture for this blog post ... except maybe Ezra 6:1, "And Darius the king made a decree, and search was made in the house of rolls ...." ... ??? where ???
....in the what ???  "... where the treasure was laid up in Babylon."

Oh, I know, I know, I must be getting old, senile, off my medication or out of my head ..... But you gotta admit, my plan is more logical than anything you've heard out of Washington in recent years.   Yes, it's really me, RB, ThD, Litt.D

1 comment:

  1. It makes sense to me. And definitely makes more sense than any of Washington DC's ideas.


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