Aug 6, 2012

Perverting God's Sovernignty + Delusional Loyalty

Common Sense Commentary:

Today I read a defence of President Obama by a professing Christian couple who said they disagreed with most of what he believes in and the actions he has taken. However,
they were emphatic about voting for him again in November because "God put him there".  God did not "put him there" any more than He put Lucifer in rebellion against God Himself, or than He "put" Adam and Eve in their sin of rebellion, or than He "put" Hitler in dictatorial command of Germany or Charles Manson in command of those poor deluded girls.  What God did do is, He gave us all a Free Will and does not violate His own judgement in doing so, by preventing us from ever doing any sinful or stupid things.  That makes us accountable for our own sins, not God.   Of course, God did not stop Hitler's rise to power so He obviously "allowed" it to happen ... under His "permissive will" to those "free will" Germans who "put" Hitler in power. "If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart. Mal.2:2. Now whose fault was that?

Yes, God is sovereign, which means "supreme power"; but that does not cancel out His supreme "will" to give those "created in His own image and likeness" a free will of their own, to decide most things for themselves. That makes us responsible for our sins and mistakes, not God.

God did not "put" Obama in office, the free will of over 50% of American voters "put" him there ... and 51% of them can put him out. God is not going to "put" him out if we do not go to the polls and vote.

A one time friend of mine, in my Marine Corps days, emailed me recently to let me know he was a loyal supporter of Obama because, "When I joined the Marines", he said, "I swore loyalty to the president and that still stands." Another part of that oath was about defending our country and the U.S. Constitution.  At that time, Harry Truman was president and sent us off to war in Korea.  We lived up to that oath then and have ever since.  But, I cannot be "loyal" to a president who repeatedly violates the U.S. Constitution he swore to uphold, and who stands against everything I stand for and for everything I stand against.  Loyalty is based on more that a 17 year old's oath, 64 years ago.  What if a Hitler or Stalin was now president? Would that oath still stand?  The Hitler Youth swore allegiance to Der Fuhrer and stood loyally by him while he murdered millions of innocent people and lied with every other breath.  Communist Youth also had that kind of loyalty to Lenin and Stalin.  That kind of loyalty is a self-delusional fallacy.  If I were here when Antichrist comes to power, I would not be loyal to him though he will be the Political Ruler of the world, including the USA.  He will be controlled by Satan and all the Christians will be gone.  So if you are still here, though it be The Law, don't take his mark or submit your free will to his. "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men."  Acts 5:29.

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