Aug 29, 2012

Sahara Salt TRADE On Camel Caravans

Common Sense Commentary: Business, Commerce, Trade, Industry, Supplier, Job Creators, Salary and Wage Payers .... World-Wide it means Planning, Work, Effort

These amazing camels, known as "ships of the desert", ply the trade routes of some of the most hostile places on earth.  They string out by the thousands, carrying free enterprise trade goods in such places as the Sahara Desert.  One such free enterprise
item, is salt.  These transport camels , their owners, and employees, stream into a settlement named Troudenni, from all directions. Near this village is a dried-up salt sea called Lake Assale.  Hundreds of salt cutters gather there to work at cutting great blocks of crystallized salt into one ft. by 20 in. by 2 in. rectangles which weigh exactly 15.4324 pounds each.  These are loaded, expertly, on each camel by the owner's employees.  Each transport camel carries 300 plus pounds of salt over 400 miles to Timbuctu or some other such market destination across the Sahara Desert.  This is a
free enterprise business.  At the end of the journey, these salty, hard working employees are paid their agreed upon salary for services rendered ... sometimes in salt.  The word salary originated many years ago from such trade when laborers were paid salt for their work.   This is a tough business of tough employers  and tough
laborers working with tough transport camels in a tough businessBut, each is rewarded for his work and thereby supports and cares for his wife and children.

If you would not be willing to do such a job, to feed your family, or you besmirch such employers for making their living "on the backs of their employees", you are a Socialist.  If you also do not believe in God, the combination makes you a Communist.
Do something constructive for a change; cash out your savings, sell all your possessions and go over there and help those millions of poor, hard working people do better. You have so much and they have so little.  You are a millionaire in their eyes.
Maybe you can create a better business and pay higher wages so they could have a better life.  Until you are willing to do that, stop criticising those who are creating jobs.

Men and camels were created to work for their sustenance.  That's why God put muscles on us. Genesis 2:15 "And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." That means WORK ... before the curse.
After they sinned, God expanded work to hard labour. Genesis 3:19 " In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."  The Bible leaves no doubt about how to deal with healthy people who won't work.  2 Thess.3:11 "For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies."    2 Thess.3:10 "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat."

Camels are amazing beasts of burden. They have large, flat feet, created for the hot desert, sand surface and for carrying heavy loads for hundreds of miles.  Their long legs lift their bodies high above the hot sand and give them the rare ability to run 40 miles per hour for short distances and 25 miles per hour for over an hour.  All four legs can kick in all four directions.  Their long legs and necks give them a wide view over sand dunes for good observation.  They have ugly, rubbery knobs on knees and belly created there for sitting on the hot sand.  They have two stomachs; one for large amounts of food and the other to digest it later.  Green plants supply them both food and water.  They can eat almost anything... even thorns and can drink 40 gallons of water at a time.  A camel's temperature varies from 95 degrees at night to 106 degrees in the day-time but they do not sweat until they reach 106 degrees.  Their hump is stored, excess energy in the form of fat, for emergencies.  A camel's blood cells are oval so blood can flow through their veins, even when greatly dehydrated, so they can go long distances without water.  They can lose 25% of body fluids harmlessly.  Their breath, when exhaled, is filtered of moisture which is recycled back into their bodies. Their heavy coats reflect sunlight and insulate them from heat.  Their nostrils close against wind and sand but still they can breath.  Their eyes have heavy brows and lashes against the sun and sand, plus double eye lids.  The extra one is like a windshield wiper and is silvery looking but is translucent and  they can see through it. The camel supplies wool, milk, meat and blood to it's owner.

The point I want to make relates to the bleeding of camels by their owners, for food.  The owner sometimes cuts a small slice in a neck vein of his camel, draws out a jar of blood and either drinks it or makes a blood soup or gravy of it.  He does not allow anyone else to bleed his camels.  They are his business.  He raised them. He feeds them. He protects them.  He admires and loves them almost like family.

America has spawned several generations of hungry, "entitled" bleeders of someone else's free enterprise camels.  Business owners pay the price in time, money and talent to build up their businesses. They are then taxed exorbitantly by government to feed, house, cloth, medicate and educate these blood suckers of other men's and women's labors.  Our U.S. camels (mostly small businesses) have been so profusely bled by so many blood suckers that the camels can't carry their assigned loads or endure all the heavy hardships put upon them by government ... and legitimate commerce.   It is time to stop bleeding our free enterprise, job makers, by and for  blood suckers .... takers.  The job makers are moving out of this country by the thousands and being replaced by more takers, blood suckers and tax eaters, moving into our country. Soon we will all be economically equal ..... equally poor and equally broke because the job creators are leaving for business friendlier countries.

Here are two different investment approaches, one Free Enterprise, one Socialist

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