Sep 21, 2012

Enough Evangelicals To Retake US If All Will Vote

Common Sense Commentary: Retaking US from Liberal Socialists is actually a simple task. The True Christian Plan: Every believer SPEAK UP, Get other believers to SIGN UP  to receive an absentee (mail in) ballot, and then VOTE by absentee or at the polls.
Every evangelical church should have request forms for absentee ballots available for their members. Your local political party will furnish them to you.  How easy is that?
The other party is doing it .... why aren't we?  It is perfectly legal and available.

Are we a Christian nation or a bunch of lazy wimps?

Roll the cursor over each state to see about that state! Very Interesting! Isn't it nice to see the actual percentages ??

And Obama said USA is not a Christian Nation????
I wonder how many people fell for that ? How long do we remain the "SILENT MAJORITY"?? This is great... This map gives you the percentage of Christians as well as all other faiths in each state.
Now ask yourself, why are we allowing our government and special interest groups i.e. ACLU to take God out of our culture and schools? We need to step up people!!
Click link:

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