Sep 14, 2012

Hey Brother, It's Way Past "High Time"

Common Sense Commentary: "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed." Rom.13:11

When I see, each day, my country going down the tube, like a swirling sink of water, carrying our Constitution, our freedoms, and our children's futures into oblivion, I am dismayed. Not that I didn't see it coming, through the lens of God's Word, but the speed with which it has come, like a volcanic eruption or the fire and brimstone upon Sodom, it struck like a bolt of lightning precedes the thunder. What true men of God, in the similitude of Noah and lot, have read or heard prophesied in God's Word, and themselves preached and predicted, is coming to pass before our eyes... Now.

My own reaction to these series of evil miracles and strong Satanic presence, is a mixture of horror, sadness, regret and disregard. Horror at the developing, open persecution of true Christians; Sadness at the unspeakable loss of the American Constitution, Bill of rights, Freedom, our heritage and world influence for good; Regret, that I did not do more to reach souls for Christ, live a more pure and prayerful life, speak up for Truth more loudly and fight the devil more fervently. And finally, Disregard. Many times I have regarded my reputation too highly and my calling too lightly. I have been concerned that I not appear to be a fanatic or extremest. But now, seeing the eternal seriousness of the present situation, I suddenly don't give a holy "damn" whether anybody likes me or not or thinks I'm extreme or fanatical, or senile, or crazy. I disregard what anybody thinks of my ministry or my methods but God, because He is my judge.  I must be resolute, immovable. The fact is, the world is going to hell and God has assigned me, and every Christian, to be a watchman on the wall, a witness for Christ, a spokesman of truth, and a loyal disciple of Jesus. With that as my responsibility, in an Anti-Christic bound world immerced in Tribulation, and delivered unto judgment and a real hell, why do I need reputation, entertainment, a hobby or a good laugh? What I most need is a faithful heart, a caring spirit, and a fearless voice. I pray that is what you can expect of this Blog .... until the powers that be shut me down, arrest me, send me to the mental institution or kill me. I would rather live and die for the cause of Christ than to cling to old age until I rot away slowly in a nursisng home, or give my life to any other cause in this tumultuous, sin cursed world. God is still ... so good. RB


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dad, what a blessing!

    We professing Christians needed the "loyalty check".
    Joshua 24:14-15


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